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Reaccreditation requires that MSUM provide evidence of meeting five criteria set forth by the Higher Learning Commission. Each criteria also includes a number of core components that address specific areas for evaluation.

  1. Mission and Integrity. The organization operates with integrity to ensure the fulfillment of its mission through structures and processes that involve the board, administration, faculty, staff and students.

  2. Preparing for the Future. The organization’s allocation of resources and its processes for evaluation and planning demonstrate its capacity to fulfill its mission, improve the quality of its education, and respond to future challenges and opportunities.

  3. Student Learning and Effective Teaching. The organization provides evidence of student learning and teaching effectiveness that demonstrates it is fulfilling its educational mission.

  4. Acquisition, Discovery, and Application of Knowledge. The organization promotes a life of learning for its faculty, administration, staff, and students by fostering and supporting inquiry, creativity, practice, and social responsibility in ways consistent with its mission.

  5. Engagement and Service. As called for by its mission, the organization identifies its constituencies and serves them in ways both value.

At MSUM, we have five teams of individuals, each working on one of the five criteria. These teams include faculty, staff, and students from across campus. The team members represent a wide variety of areas, including academic departments, administrative units, student services, and campus and community organizations. But we need your help and participation to make the self study a truly valuable and educational process. Take this opportunity to learn more about MSUM, what you think works well and what needs improvement, and how we can all make MSUM the best community for a lifetime of learning, service, and citizenship.

TOP 5 ways to stay informed and get involved:

5. Read the Continews articles
4. Visit the Student Academic Conference poster on reaccreditation
3. Check the NCA Visit website for news
2. Email the co-chairs or team members with questions
1. Participate in the next Open Forums in CMU 101
  • April 5, 3:00 Acquisition, Discovery and Application of Knowledge
  • April 6, 3:00 Engagement and Service
  • April 10, 3:00 Student Learning and Effective Teaching

For more information: Contact Deb White or Judy Strong.

an equal opportunity educator and employer | Accessibility Questions? | smithm@mnstate.edu | Updated 10/10/06
 MSU Moorhead | 1104 7th Ave South | Moorhead, MN 56563 |
 Copyright © 2005 Minnesota State University Moorhead