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Reaccreditation 2007: By the NumbersYou won’t want to miss Professional Development Day on October 17. Not only will the new University marketing plan be unveiled, but it’s almost time to finish the reaccreditation Self-Study Report. A lot of time and effort has gone into the report, and some numbers might make that clear: 3-- The number of days that the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA) evaluators will be on campus for the site visit. 5-- The number of criteria for evaluation that are included in the self-study report. 6-- The number of visitors from the Higher Learning Commission who will come to campus. 9-- October 9 is the date the report was sent to the campus community for review. 20-- The number of months the teams have been working on the self-study so far. 25-- The number of times the Steering and Criterion Teams will meet just this year. 66-- The number of faculty, staff, and students serving on the reaccreditation teams. 100-- The number of free “Our Time to Shine” keychain flashlights that will be given away at Professional Development Day. 140… and counting. The number of days left until the reaccreditation site visit March 5-7, 2007. We welcome questions and input from the campus
community, so email
selfstdy@mnstate.edu. |
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