class schedule

Week 1  (Aug 26/28)  Introduction to Drawing:

Concepts and Materials. Introduction to Intuitive Gesture drawing.  Your sketchbook and the merit of your efforts in using it to further your development.  Begin working with Intuitive Gesture.


purchase your materials in the MSUM Bookstore. For Thursday: Strathmore 400 drawing pad, newsprint paper, red Conte crayon, charcoal, compressed charcoal, chamois skin.

Sketchbook Assignment:  Use 10 sheets of Strathmore 400 18” x 24” paper and cut them to 9” x 12” size (a total of forty sheets).  This will give you four sheets from each of the larger sheets and will leave extra for practice and redoing projects.

Week 2 (Sept 2/4) Intuitive Gesture & The Perceptual Grid: Definition and Gesture/Direction. 

We will work from models in class emphasizing the basic directional forces of the form in space. Learning to see spatial relationships through using the grid of the picture plane.  Introduction to the process of “sighting and angling.”  The visual texture of drawing space with a layering of lines.


In-class Project One due on Tuesday, September 16: Gesture  (Demonstrates and understanding of the figure as a dynamic ordering of shapes in space through the placement of major and minor directional forces.)


Materials: Strathmore 400 drawing pad, newsprint paper, red Conte crayon, charcoal, compressed charcoal, chamois skin.      


Sketchbook Assignment:  6 drawings. These will be started during class on September 6.  Description on class website.


Week 3 (Sept 9/11) The Perceptual Grid:

Pictorial Space and Shape (Positive/Negative Space). Definition of positive/negative space, silhouettes and generalized value interpretations (white/black) from both still life and figurative subjects. Learning to develop the form from inside to outside; drawing “blind” silhouettes.  You will start with gesture drawing.


Materials: Strathmore 400 pad, four sheets of 9”x12” Strathmore Drawing paper, newsprint paper, compressed charcoal, chamois skin, India ink, bamboo brush, Hake brush, View Catcher.


Sketchbook Assignment: 4 drawings.  These will be started during class on September 13.  Description on class website. 

Week 4 (Sept 16/18) Shape of Value and Proportion:  Continuation of seeing  proportional relationships through “sighting and angling”, discussion of the Golden Mean, and introduction to the shape of value. Introduction to the effect of light on value: completion of a ten-step value gradation scale in ink wash #1 (black)-#10 (white).


Materials: Strathmore 400 drawing pad, newsprint paper, four sheets of 9”x12” Strathmore drawing paper, one 15” x 22” piece of Arches 140 lb hot-pressed watercolor paper, 2H graphite pencil, masking tape, India ink, bamboo brush, compressed charcoal, chamois skin, View Catcher.

Sketchbook Assignment:  4 drawings. These will be started during class on September 18.  Description on class website.


Week 5(Sept 23/25Shape of Value and Proportion:

You are to be in class working on your In-Class Project #2: Shape.  You will start class with gesture drawing.


In-class Project Two due on Tuesday, October 7: Shape  (Demonstrates understanding of value shapes as a means to measure proportion and to organize those value shapes into a cohesive compositional statement.)


Materials: Strathmore 400 Drawing pad, newsprint paper, charcoal or Conte crayon, one sheet of 15”x 22” (1/2 of a full sheet) Arches 140 lb hot-pressed watercolor paper, 2H graphite pencil, masking tape, India ink, nylon brushes, hake and bamboo brushes, View Catcher.

Sketchbook Assignment: NONE.


Week 6 (Sept 30/Oct 2 Shape of Value, Aerial Perspective and Space: 

 Learning how to define space through the use of value and scale shifts on the picture plane with landscape as the subject.  Completion of a ten-step value scale in graphite #1 (black)-#10 (white).

Materials: 2H, HB, 3B, and 6B graphite pencils, View Catcher, masking tape/spring clips, kneaded eraser, plastic eraser, Strathmore 400 Drawing paper, newsprint paper, charcoal, four sheets of 9”x11 ¾” Strathmore Drawing paper. .


Sketchbook Assignment: 4 drawings.  Strathmore paper.  These will be started during class on October 2.  Description on class website.

Week 7 (Oct 7/9) Introduction to Linear Perspective:

One-point perspective. Begin working with linear value.  You will be combining a scanned graphite intuitive perspective drawing with Adobe Illustrator for this unit.  We will be using the Computer Lab across the hall from CA 170.


Materials: 2H, HB, 3B, and 6B graphite pencils, newsprint paper, Strathmore 400 Drawing paper, three sheets of 9”x12” Strathmore paper, kneaded eraser, plastic eraser, 24” straight edge, drafting triangle, View Catcher.


Sketchbook Assignment: 3 drawings.  These will be started during class on October 9.  Description on class website.   



Week 8 (Oct 14/16Linear Perspective:

 Two-point perspective.  Continue working with linear value.  Fall Breather is on Monday, October 15.  There will be a Convocation Hour scheduled for Tuesday, October 16; there will be no structured classes held on that day.

Materials: Strathmore 400 drawing pad, three sheets of 9”x11 ¾” Strathmore paper, newsprint paper, compressed charcoal, HB, 2B, and 4B charcoal pencils, chamois skin, kneaded and plastic erasers.


Sketchbook Assignment: 3 drawings.  These will be started during class on October 18.  Description on class website.


Week 9 (Oct 21/23) Linear Perspective:

Three-point perspective and Foreshortened Circles.  Continue working with linear value.


 In-class Project Three due on Tuesday, November 4: Linear Perspective (Demonstrates understanding of one-point and two-point linear perspective as observed and drawn from life.


Materials: Strathmore 400 drawing pad, newsprint paper, three sheets of 9”x12” Strathmore paper, compressed charcoal, HB, 2B, and 4B charcoal pencils, chamois skin, kneaded and plastic erasers.


Sketchbook Assignment: 3 drawings.  These will be started during class on October 23.  Description on class website.


Week 10(Oct 28/30) Organic Form: 

Cross Contour Line and Contour Hatch Marks. Learning to see the underlying geometric form in organic objects. Learning to define volume through the use of line: hatch-marks, cross contour and stipple marks.  Completion of a ten-step value scale using pen and ink.  Drawings by Albrecht Durer and others will be shown.


Materials: Strathmore 400 drawing pad, newsprint paper, four sheets of 9”x11 ¾” Strathmore paper, red and black Conte crayons, graphite pencils, plastic eraser, India ink, penholder and Nikko Manga pen tip, Steven Quiller and bamboo brushes and View Catcher.


Sketchbook Assignment:  3 drawings. These will be started during class on October 30.  Description on class website.


Week 11(Nov 4/6) Chiaroscuro:  

Practice further on combining contour hatch marks with value washes to create the effect of light and shadow.


Materials:  15”x 22” sheet of Arches 140 lb hot-pressed watercolor paper, newsprint paper, tracing paper, View Catcher, graphite pencils, kneaded eraser, plastic eraser, India ink, pen, and bamboo brush, #8 Stephen Quiller brush and flat nylon brush.


Sketchbook Assignment:  NONE. 


Week 12(Nov 11/13) Chiaroscuro:

Continuation and completion of In-Class Project 4 


In-class Project Four due on Tuesday, November 25: Form In Space and Chiaroscuro  (Demonstrates an understanding defining form in space through perspective, texture, the use of washes and linear component to convey the quality of light, and composition).

Materials:  15”x 22” sheet of Arches 140 lb hot-pressed watercolor paper, newsprint paper, tracing paper, charcoal, View Catcher, graphite pencils, kneaded eraser, plastic eraser, India ink, pen, and bamboo brush, #8 Stephen Quiller and flat nylon brushes.


Sketchbook Assignment: NONE.


Week 13(Nov 18/20) Chiaroscuro: 

Introduction to the use of charcoal in creating chiaroscuro.Fall Break starts on Wednesday, November 21.  Completion of a ten-step value scale with charcoal (one of your sketchbook drawings).


Work independently on completing your project.  CA 170 will be available for you to work in during your assigned class time. Use your time wisely.

Materials: four sheets of 9”x 12” Strathmore sketchbook paper, Fabriano Tiziano blue paper, compressed charcoal, HB, 2B, 4B charcoal pencils, blending stump, chamois skin, white Conte crayon, kneaded and plastic erasers.

Sketchbook Assignment: 3 drawings.  These will be completed during class on November 20.  Description on class website.

Week 14(Nov 25/27) Chiaroscuro: 

Continue studies and begin working on In-class Project 5.


Materials: Fabriano Tiziano blue paper, compressed charcoal, HB, 2B, 4B charcoal pencils, blending stump, chamois skin, white Conte crayon, kneaded and plastic erasers.


Sketchbook Assignment:  NONE


Week 15(Dec 2/4)

Chiaroscuro: white and black on Fabriano Tiziano blue paper. Work from the figure or still life again with the focus being on the extreme foreshortening of forms.

In-class Project Five:  Chiaroscuro 

(Demonstrates an understanding of linear perspective and the concept of chiaroscuro (volume in space through the use of light and shadow) through the use of value gradations, and composition through placement and emphasis.  This due for critique at the start of your final exam period.         


Materials: Fabriano Tiziano blue paper, compressed charcoal, HB, 2B, 4B charcoal pencils, blending stump, chamois skin, white Conte crayon, kneaded and plastic erasers. 


Sketchbook Assignment: NONE.

Week 16(Dec 9)

Chiaroscuro: Continuation of your black and white drawing on Fabriano Tiziano blue paper (due at the start of your final exam period).

Materials: Fabriano Tiziano blue paper, compressed charcoal, HB, 2B, 4B charcoal pencils, blending stump, chamois skin, white Conte crayon, kneaded and plastic erasers.

Copyright© 2008-2009 Jim Park