Organic Form: Cross Contour Line and Contour Hatch Marks. Learning to see the underlying geometric form in organic objects. Learning to define volume through the use of line: hatch-marks, cross contour and stipple marks. Completion of a ten-step value scale using pen and ink. Combining contour hatch marks with value washes to create the effect of light and shadow.
Materials: Strathmore 400 drawing pad, newsprint paper, four sheets of 9”x11 ¾” Strathmore paper, red and black Conte crayons, graphite pencils, plastic eraser, India ink, penholder and Nikko Manga pen tip, 15”x 22” sheet of Arches 140 lb hot-pressed watercolor paper, newsprint paper, tracing paper, View Catcher, bamboo brush, #8 Stephen Quiller brush and flat nylon brush.
In-class Project Four due on Tuesday, November 25: Form In Space and Chiaroscuro (Demonstrates an understanding defining form in space through perspective, texture, the use of washes and linear component to convey the quality of light, and composition).