3.6.1 Similarity Transformations
In the physical world, one cannot increase the
size or quantity of anything without changing its quality. Similar figures exist
only in pure geometry.
—Paul Valéry (1871–1945)
The concept of similar triangles and similar figures is an important component of Euclidean geometry. Many applications for the geometric properties of similarity are used. The use of scale drawings such as maps and blueprints are important in travel and construction. The use of triangulation properties are important in navigation and measuring distances indirectly. The right triangle trigonometry definitions for sine, cosine, and tangent are all based on the properties of similar triangles. In this section, we define the concept of similarity in terms of transformation.
Definition. The transformation f of a plane onto itself is a similarity with ratio r if there is a nonzero real number r such that for any two points A and B where A' =f(A) and B' = f(B), d(A',B') = |r|d(A,B). The number r is called the ratio of the similarity.
Note a
similarity with ratio r = -1 or r = 1 is an
We would expect many of the same theorems for isometries should hold for
similarities, which they do. Most of the proofs require a few minor adjustments
that generalize for the scale factor r.
Here, we prove one of the theorems (betweenness of points is
invariant) to
illustrate one such modification and leave most of the proofs of the other
theorems to the reader. In
hyperbolic geometry and
elliptic geometry, similar
triangles are congruent triangles. Therefore, proving the theorems for a neutral
geometry provides little, if any, additional information.
Exercise 3.86. (a) Determine the inverse of a similarity with ratio r. (b) Determine the ratio of the composition of a similarity with ratio r1 and a similarity with ratio r2.
Theorem 3.29. The set of all similarities of a plane is a group under composition.
Theorem 3.30. Betweenness of points is invariant under a similarity of a neutral plane.
Proof. Let f be a similarity with ratio r of a neutral plane. Let A, B, and C be three distinct points such that B is between A and C. Further, let A' = f(A), B' = f(B), and C' = f(C). By the definition of betweenness of points, AC = AB + BC and {A, B, C} is collinear. Since f is a similarity, A'C' = |r|(AC), A'B' = |r|(AB), and B'C' = |r|(BC). Hence, A'C' = |r|(AC) = |r|(AB + BC) = |r|(AB) + |r|(BC) = A'B' +B'C'. Thus, by the Triangle Inequality, {A', B', C'} is collinear. Therefore, B' is between A' and C'.//
Corollary 3.31. Collinearity is invariant under a similarity of a neutral plane.
Corollary 3.32. The image of a line segment under a similarity with ratio r of a neutral plane is a line segment where the length of the image is r times the length of the segment.
Corollary 3.33. The image of a triangle under a similarity of a Euclidean plane is a similar triangle.
Corollary 3.34. Angle measure is invariant under a similarity of a Euclidean plane.
Corollary 3.35. The image of a circle under a similarity of a neutral plane is a circle.
We wrote a more general definition of congruency based on results and investigation with isometries. An analogous definition may be formed for sets of points being similar. The above results imply a more general definition for similarity for any two sets of points, which would include all figures under one definition.
Definition. Two sets of
points are said to be similar provided there is a similarity where
one set is the image of the other set. Write
Theorem 3.36. A similarity of a Euclidean plane is uniquely determined by three noncollinear points and their images.
Exercise 3.87. Find the ratio of similarity if a 4 centimeter segment has a 6 centimeter image.
Exercise 3.88. Find the length of the image of an 8 centimeter segment under a similarity with a ratio of 3/4.
Definition. A dilation with center C and ratio r, denoted HC,r, is a transformation of a plane where HC,r(C) = C and if P is distinct from C, then P' = HC,r(P) such that C, P, and P' are collinear and d(C,P') = |r|d(C,P). Further, if r < 0, then P'-C-P; if 0 < r < 1, then C-P'-P; and if r > 1, then C-P-P'. A dilation is also called a homothety.
Exercise 3.89. Draw a right
(a) O = C
(b) O = A
O is the midpoint of
O is a point in the exterior
Exercise 3.90. Draw the image of each dilation HC,2, HC,–2, and HC,1/2.
Click here to investigate
dynamic illustrations of the above
diagram GeoGebra
or JavaSketchpad.
Theorem 3.37. A dilation with center C and ratio r of a Euclidean plane is a similarity with ratio r.
Proof. Let
HC,r be a dilation
with center C and ratio r and let X' = HC,r(X)
for any point X. Let P and Q be two distinct points. We need to show that P'Q' = |r|(PQ). The equality is clearly true, if C is either P or Q. Therefore, we
assume C, P, and Q are distinct. Hence, either C,
P, and Q are collinear or C, P, and Q are noncollinear.
Case 1. Assume C, P, and Q are
collinear. We show the case where r
> 1 and P is between C and Q, the other cases are similar.
By the definition of a dilation, we have C-P-P' and C-Q-Q'. Hence,
all the points C, P, P', Q, and Q' are collinear. Since C-P-Q and by the definition of dilation, CP' = r(CP) < r(CQ)
= CQ'. Thus, since all the points are
on the same side of C, we have C-P'-Q'. Hence, CP + PQ = CQ and CP' + P'Q' = CQ'.
Therefore, P'Q' = CQ'
– CP'
= r(CQ) – r(CP) = r (CQ
– CP)
= r(PQ).
Case 2. Assume C, P, and Q are noncollinear.
We show the case where r > 1, the
other cases are similar. By the definition of a dilation, we have C-P-P' and C-Q-Q'. Consider
The other cases are similar;
therefore, the dilation HC,r
is a similarity.//
Corollary 3.38. The image of a segment under a dilation of a Euclidean plane is a parallel segment.
Investigation Exercise 3.91. Each of the following larger stick figures is a similarity of the smaller stick figure where one of the figures is a dilation. Draw several more of the larger stick figures on this sheet. Can you find a similarity that maps the original dilated figure to the others?
The above exercise implies the next theorem, which gives a relationship of similarities to dilations and isometries.
Theorem 3.39. A similarity of a Euclidean plane is the composition of a dilation and an isometry.
We state the theorem without proof since the proof is beyond the scope of this course. The proof involves results from topology.
Exercise 3.92. How do the areas of a region and its image compare when the ratio of dilation is 2/3?
Exercise 3.93. Find the image of the point (3,4) under a dilation with center at the origin and ratio of –5/3.
Exercise 3.94. Prove Theorem 3.29.
Exercise 3.95. Prove Corollary 3.31.
Exercise 3.96. Prove Corollary 3.32.
Exercise 3.97. Prove Corollary 3.33.
Exercise 3.98. Prove Corollary 3.34.
Exercise 3.99. Prove Corollary 3.35.
Exercise 3.100. Prove Theorem 3.36.
Exercise 3.101. Prove the cases where r < 0 for Theorem 3.37.
Exercise 3.102. Prove Corollary 3.38.
3.5.2 Affine Reflections and Glide Reflections |
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