4.2 Investigate Perspective from a Point and Perspective from a Line
A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.
Exit book to another website.Henry Brooks Adam (1838–1918)

  • Two figures are perspective from a point provided the lines determined from corresponding points are concurrent. The point is called the center.
  • Two figures are perspective from a line provided the points of intersection of corresponding sides are collinear. The line is called the axis.
    The first figure illustrates triangles perspective from a point. The second figure illustrates triangles perspective from a line.

Explore Perspective from a Point

Drag any of the three points determining the two triangles.
Drag the center O and the points determining the lines a, b, and c.

Explore Perspective from a Line

Drag the points  l1 or l2  of the line to change the axis l.
Drag the points X, Y, Z, A, A', C, or C' to change the triangles.

Timothy Peil, 4 February 2013, Created with GeoGebra

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  Timothy Peil  Mathematics Dept.  MSU Moorhead
© Copyright 2013 - Timothy Peil