4.6 Interactive Diagram for the
Investigation for an Alternate Construction of a Projectivity
Thus, in a sense, mathematics has been most advanced by those who distinguished themselves by intuition rather than by rigorous proofs.

Exit book to another website.Felix Klein (1849–1925)

        In the given diagram, the two pencils of points are projectively related. Consider the points AB' · BA', AC' · CA', AD' · DA', BC' · CB', BD' · DB', and CD' · DC'. How are they related to each other?

        Drag the red points to investigate further.
To reset to the original settings, type the letter "R" on the keyboard.
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        How are the points related to each other?

        State your result as a conjecture.       

This page uses Exit book to another website.JavaSketchpad, a World-Wide-Web component of Exit book to another website.The Geometer's Sketchpad. Copyright © 1990-2001 by KCP Technologies, Inc. Licensed only for non-commercial use.

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  Timothy Peil  Mathematics Dept.  MSU Moorhead

© Copyright 2005, 2006 - Timothy Peil