Department of Technology

ENG 130 - Introduction to Engineering

Fall 2003

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Course Syllabus

Instructor: Ronald Williams Office: Hagen 103F
Telephone: 218-477-2480 Office Hours: 8:40 - 10:00 MW,
1:00 - 12:00 and 1:00 - 2:00 TH
E-Mail: # of Credits: 2
# of Lecture Hours per Week: 2 Lecture Schedule: 1:00, MW


Catalog Description: Introduction to engineering fields, tools and methods for problem solving. Designed for students exploring career options in engineering.


Text: Engineering Your Future: A Short Course, Oakes, et. al, Great Lakes Press, 2001

Supplementary Readings/References: Watch website for more details


Course Objectives: At the completion of this course, the students will possess a working knowledge of:

  • The branches of Engineering - Civil, Industrial, Electrical, etc. - which you may choose. Guest speakers will share their experiences in many of these areas.
  • The concept of engineering design. You will be asked to work with a team of students to develop a design that meets a specific need. By following the steps of a design process, you will develop several alternative solutions, and determine which best fits the needs of your problem.
  • A plan for attaining your educational goals. We will explore the opportunities available at several area schools of engineering. By the end of the semester, you will have prepared a plan of study outlining the classes you would need to take at Moorhead State and at the transfer institute of your choice to earn the degree you select. We will also consider some of the difficulties in moving from high school to college, and discuss some strategies to overcome them.
  • The ethical responsibilities of professionals who design new technologies. We will consider the social, legal, and moral implications of decisions most of you will have to face during your careers.
  • Current state-of-the art technologies available to engineering students. We will explore how tools like e-mail and the World Wide Web can help you better prepare yourself for a career in Engineering.


Instructor Expectations:

Attendance: Regular and on-time class attendance is expected. If you have a legitimate reason for missing a class, please inform the instructor before the class. Students will be responsible for all class materials covered. There will be no make-up of missed tests or quizzes except by prior permission of the instructor or in unusual circumstances.

Quality of Homework Assignments: Homework assignments will be neatly typed and prepared in a professional manner using Microsoft Office (Word & Excel). Late homework assignments will be penalized 10 percent per day for every day they are late. No late homework assignments will be accepted from 10 days after the due date.

Writing Style: References/Works Cited - Use MLA format. Remember to answer the question - What do you want your reader to know, believe, or be able to do when they have read your finished writing project?

E-mail: An important component of this class will be the use of electronic communications using the Internet. All students must have an e-mail address either through the campus or with an outside service such as Hotmail.. During the semester, you will be asked to:

  • Submit homework assignments by e-mail. Comments and grades on these assignments will be returned electronically.
  • Use the Internet to search for background information on your design project.
  • Participate in a listserv - an electronic discussion group where you can share questions with the group. Questions posted to the group can be read by all, but you can choose to answer the questions privately using e-mail or post a response to be read by all.


Grading Criteria: 

History Project
Careers Project
urriculum Project 
Team Assignment
Bridge Project 
Design Project 
Ethics Project
Final Exam 


Course Evaluation:

90 and above - A
80 to 89.9      - B
70 to 79.9      - C
60 to 69.9      - D
Below 60       - F



  1. Assistance Available: Students who have disabilities, whether permanent or temporary, limiting their ability to participate in activities, projects and other educational functions of any class are reminded to discuss these special needs with each of their instructors at the beginning of the semester. Accommodations will vary with the needs of the student. Some examples include adaptive testing, note taking, taped texts, and special seating arrangements. Students are also reminded that in the event of an emergency building evacuation, if they have disabilities that prohibit them from moving down stairwells, they should move to the nearest stairwell landing from where the Moorhead Fire Department can provide for their evacuation. Any student wanting additional information regarding disability services, clarification of policy, or simply a chance to discuss concerns related to a disabling condition may call or stop by the office of Disability Services, located in Comstock Memorial Union, Room 222.