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Curriculum Assignment
Purpose: This assignment will provide you
with a roadmap to successfully completing your degree. At the end
of this assignment, you should have a plan of study that will identify
the classes you plan to take each semester or quarter until you graduate.
Note: I do not assume that everyone completing this
assignment is completely certain as to the branch of engineering they
want to pursue, or the school of engineering where they intend to graduate.
If you complete this assignment, however, you will understand the process,
and can create a plan of study for any branch of engineering at any school
- or for any major you choose. A well-designed plan of study is
an excellent tool for any student, regardless of their major.
The steps to be completed are:
Look up information on a major - Civil, Electrical,
Mechanical Engineering, etc. You can do this on-line from a
number or sites, including the Occupational
Outlook Handbook. The handbook is available in the
reference section of the library with the ID HF5381.A1036. Copy
or print the pages you find, and highlight the items that interest
you. Submit this information in class on Wednesday,
October 1.
Look up information on schools that offer degrees
in your major. For engineers, a good resource is the ASEE
Engineering and Engineering Technology Directory, which you may check
out from Diane in the Technology office. You may also
look at the web sites for the schools of interest.
Look up information on at least 3 schools. At least one of
your selections should be a larger school (more than 10,000 undergraduate
students) and at least one should be outside the MN-ND-SD region.
For each school, tell me:
- The number of undergraduate and graduate students
- The number of students in your major
- The number of faculty in your major
- The size and location of the community.
Identify the one for which you will create a plan of study. Tell me
why you chose that school.
This report should be submitted by e-mail no later than Wednesday,
October 8.
Prepare a list of the classes you must take to graduate.
Using the college catalog from the school you chose (or an on-line
catalog on their website), develop a list of classes you must take
to graduate. Be certain to include general education or liberal
studies requirements. Where possible, determine which MSUM courses
are equivalent to some of those courses. For example, Physics
200 at MSUM is probably equivalent to the first semester of a calc-based
Physics series at another school. Submit this list by e-mail no later
than Monday, October 20. I will review the course equivelencies for
MSUM and reply by e-mail by the following Monday.
Prepare a semester-by-semester plan of study.
Starting with this semester, list the courses you intend to take each
semester until those requirements are satisfied. Pay attention
to whether courses are available each semester, and which courses
require prerequisites before you can enroll. You should end
up with a list of 8 - 10 semesters, totaling 14-18 credits a semester.
Don't forget to include a semester of internship in your planning.
A draft of this plan should be e-mailed to me no later than Wednesday,
October 29. I will make comments and return the plan within
2 weeks.
The final version of your plan should be submitted on paper
no later than Wednesday, December 17.