Department of Technology

ENG 243 - Statics

Spring 2005

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Course Syllabus

Instructor: Ronald Williams  
Office: HA103F
Telephone: 477-2480
Office Hours: 8:30 - 10:00 M,W
8:30 - 12:00 T,H
Number of Credits: 3
# of Lecture Hours per Week: 3
Lecture Schedule: 11:00 - 11:50 MWF

Catalog Description: Vector algebra. Application of equations of equilibrium to the analysis of simple engineering structures and machines. Nature and influence of friction. Elementary theory of statically determinate framed structures. Prerequisite: MATH 261.

Text: Engineering Mechanics, Statics, Tenth Edition, by R.C. Hibbeler, from Prentice-Hall. 

Course Objectives: At the completion of this course, the students will possess a working knowledge of:

  • Problem-solving techniques applicable to engineering science courses.
  • Methods to establish or enforce static equilibrium in particles and rigid bodies.
  • Centroids, centers of mass, and mass moments of inertia
  • The mechanics of dry friction

Instructor Expectations:

Attendance: Regular and on-time class attendance is expected. If you have a legitimate reason for missing a class, please inform the instructor before the class. Students will be responsible for all class materials covered. There will be no make-up of missed tests or quizzes except by prior permission of the instructor or in unusual circumstances.

Homework Assignments: I assign 5-10 homework problems per week. I expect you to have them done to the best of your ability by the time we next meet. Homework assignments will be neatly prepared and structured in an orderly fashion for clarity. Unless you are an exceptional student, you will not do well in this class unless you do the homework.. The method used to solve the problems is as important as the answer you get.

Method of Solution: I expect you to solve your homework, quiz, and test problems using the format I will demonstrate. Even if you get to the right answer by some other method, you will not receive all of the credit for the problem.

Participation: I expect you to play an active role in the classroom. Ask questions. Tell me what you don’t understand. I have no idea what you need help with if you don’t give me some feedback.

Course Evaluation:

  1. Homework Problems: Students will be assigned to work groups. When homework is due, I will give the groups about 20 minutes to agree on a solution to one of the problems. The group will assign someone to go to the board, and present their solution. Points will be awarded to the group for presenting a complete solution in the time allowed. Additional points will be awarded to the individuals making the presentations.
  2. Log: I ask each student to maintain a log of their progress in the class. The log should include your homework problems, along with questions you need answered, and any comments you’d like to share. In particular, whenever you get stuck on a homework problem, write down what stumped you. Then, when I ask if anyone had any problems with homework, you can be specific on what help you need. The log will be collected randomly throughout the semester. Log entries will be graded only on whether or not they are current.
  3. Quizzes: Quizzes will be given at the end of class on Fridays. They will be one question each, open book, and should take about 15 minutes to complete.
  4. Tests: Three tests are shown on the attached calendar. Each will be comprehensive. They will be closed book, but you may bring one sheet of notes for reference. Anyone caught cheating on quizzes or tests will receive a score of zero for that effort.
  5. Projects: Design project assignments will be handed out on Monday, Apr 25. Students are to work individually to solve the problem using concepts learned in the class. Projects must be handed in during the final class period, Thursday, May 12, at 12:00 noon. Projects will not be accepted before that date without compelling reasons.

Grading Criteria: Course Evaluation:

Quizzes . 15% 90% and above A
Homework/log          . . 5% 80% and above B
Tests (3 @ 20%)      . 60% 70% and above C
Final Project             20% 60% and above D
                              100% Below 60% F


  1. Assistance Available: Students who have disabilities, whether permanent or temporary, limiting their ability to participate in activities, projects, and other educational functions of any class are reminded to discuss these special needs with each of their instructors at the beginning of the semester. Accommodations will vary with the needs of the student. Some examples include adaptive testing, note taking, taped texts, and special seating arrangements. Students are also reminded that in the event of an emergency building evacuation, if they have disabilities that prohibit them from moving down stairwells, they should move to the nearest stairwell landing from where the Moorhead Fire Department can provide for their evacuation. Any student wanting additional information regarding disability services, clarification of policy, or simply a chance to discuss concerns related to a disabling condition, may call or stop by the Office of Disability Services, located in Comstock Memorial Union, Room 222.