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Final Project
This project is intended for you to demonstrate your ability to design a frame using the skills learned in ENG 243. This is to be an individual project. You are not to ask for or offer assistance from other students in the class. If you have any questions, please ask the instructor ONLY! Projects that show significant evidence of shared work will share the grade earned - if 3 people collaborate to earn a score of 84 points, each will be awarded only 28 points!
Given the statements above, I ask all students to sign the statement below, indicating that the submitted work is theirs alone:
On my honor as a lady or gentlemen, I state that the project submitted is my individual work. I neither offered nor received assistance in completing this project
Print name: ___________________________ Signature: _____________________________
Your boss on a construction project has been asked to design a method to safely lower large concrete blocks down a 30° incline. He has proposed the mechanism shown. The pulleys have a diameter of 1.0 ft, and the cable is attached to the pin at point C. You can ignore the weight of members BC and CE.
The block shown is 4 feet thick, into the plane of the paper, and is made of concrete weighing 150 pcf. The coefficient of friction between the block and the incline is 0.25. Your boss plans to wedge the block in place, attach the cable as shown, apply tension to the hanging pulley so that T = 15,000 lb, and remove the wedges at the front of the block. He will then slowly decrease T until the block begins to move.
Knowing you've had Statics, your boss wants you to check his idea. He'd like you to determine:
- The weight of the block, and the x and y location of the center of its weight, from the lower-righthand corner, A, assuming the x axis follows the incline.
- The force T at which the block will just begin to move.
- Will it slide or tip?
- Will T = 15,000 lb be sufficient to hold the block when the wedges are removed?
- The force that the pulley exerts on the pin at B when T = 15,000 lb.
- The force acting on the pin at D when T = 15,000 lb..
Print this page, sign the statement above, and attach it as the cover to your project work. Show all your work, and include free-body diagrams and equations of equilibrium where appropriate. Bring your completed project to class during the Final Class Period, Thursday, May 12 at 12:00 noon.