Society of Early Americanists Recent Publications on Early American Topics

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SEA Recent and Forthcoming Publications 

The Society of Early Americanists Recent Publications on Early American Topics page contains a list of books relevant to the field of Early American Studies to approximately 1830. Listed below are New and Forthcoming Releases in alphabetical order by Publisher for Spring/Summer 2022, followed by Books Fall/Winter 2021 as a PDF.

Spring/Summer 2022

Bucknell University Press

Linda Van Netten Blimke, Political Affairs of the Heart: Female Travel Writers, the Sentimental Travelogue, and Revolution, 1775-1800

Javier Irigoyen-García, Dystopias of Infamy: Insult and Collective Identity in Early Modern Spain

Cambridge University Press

African American Literature in Transition, Volume 1, 1750–1800, Edited by Rhondda Robinson Thomas

American Literature in Transition, Volume 1, 1770–1828, Edited by William Huntting Howell and Greta LaFleur

American Literature in Transition, 1820–1860, Volume 2, Edited by Justine S. Murison

Dannelle Gutarra Cordero, She Is Weeping: An Intellectual History of Racialized Slavery and Emotions in the Atlantic World

Kristin A. Olbertson, The Dreadful Word: Speech Crime and Polite Gentlemen in Massachusetts, 1690–1776

The Cambridge Companion to American Literature and the Body, Edited by Travis M. Foster

The Cambridge Companion to American Literature and the Environment, Edited by Sarah Ensor and Susan Scott Parrish

The Cambridge Companion to American Protestantism, Edited by Jason E. Vickers and Jennifer Woodruff Tait,

The Cambridge History of America and the World, Volume 1, 1500–1820, Edited by Eliga Gould, Paul Mapp, and Carla Gardina Pestana

The Cambridge History of America and the World, Volume 2, 1812–1900, Edited by Kristin Hoganson and Jay Sexton

Cornell University Press

David N. Gellman, Liberty’s Chain: Slavery, Abolition, and the Jay Family of New York

Steven K. Green, Separating Church and State: A History

Nicole Saffold Maskiell, Bound by Bondage: Slavery and the Creation of a Northern Gentry

Fordham University Press

Wendy Jean Katz, A True American: William Walcutt, Nativism, and Nineteenth-Century Art

Harvard University Press

John Adams, Papers of John Adams, Volume 21, March 1791 – January 1797, Edited by Sara Georgini, Sara Martin, R. M. Barlow, Gwen Fries, Amanda M. Norton, and Hobson Woodward

Kathryn Gin Lum, Heathen: Religion and Race in American History

Kirsten Silva Gruesz, Cotton Mather’s Spanish Lessons: A Story of Language, Race, and Belonging in the Early Americas

Who’s Black and Why?: A Hidden Chapter from the Eighteenth-Century Invention of Race, Edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Andrew S. Curran

Johns Hopkins University Press

Michael J. Jarvis, Isle of Devils, Isle of Saints: An Atlantic History of Bermuda, 1609–1684

Adam Jortner, No Place for Saints: Mobs and Mormons in Jacksonian America

Jeffrey Thomas Perry, Law in American Meetinghouses: Church Discipline and Civil Authority in Kentucky, 1780–1845

Michigan State University Press

Around Lake Michigan: American Indians, 1820–1850, Edited by Gerard van Bussel and Eric Hemenway

Rhetoric, Independence, and Nationhood, 1760–1800, Edited by Stephen E. Lucas

New York University Press

Kabria Baumgartner, In Pursuit of Knowledge: Black Women and Educational Activism in Antebellum America

Anna Mae Duane, Educated for Freedom: The Incredible Story of Two Fugitive Schoolboys Who Grew Up to Change a Nation

Elizabeth Fenton, Old Canaan in a New World: Native Americans and the Lost Tribes of Israel

Religion and US Empire: Critical New Histories, Edited by Tisa Wenger and Sylvester A. Johnson

Oxford University Press

Stephen Aron, Peace and Friendship: An Alternative History of the American West

Friederike Baer, Hessians: German Soldiers in the American Revolutionary War

Samuel K. Fisher, The Gaelic and Indian Origins of the American Revolution: Diversity and Empire in the British Atlantic, 1688-1783

Betsy Klimasmith, Urban Rehearsals and Novel Plots in the Early American City

Brian P. Levack, Distrust of Institutions in Early Modern Britain and America

Daniel S. Levy, Manhattan Phoenix: The Great Fire of 1835 and the Emergence of Modern New York

Mark A. Noll, America’s Book: The Rise and Decline of a Bible Civilization, 1794-1911

David Silkenat, Scars on the Land: An Environmental History of Slavery in the American South

John Suval, Dangerous Ground: Squatters, Statesmen, and the Antebellum Rupture of American Democracy

Richard Wendorf, Printing History and Cultural Change: Fashioning the Modern English Text in Eighteenth-Century Britain

With Liberty and Justice for All?: The Constitution in the Classroom, Edited by Steven A. Steinbach, Maeva Marcus, and Robert Cohen

Penn State University Press

Janet Moore Lindman, A Vivifying Spirit: Quaker Practice and Reform in Antebellum America

Paul Peucker, Herrnhut: The Formation of a Moravian Community, 1722–1732

S. Scott Rohrer, The Folly of Revolution: Thomas Bradbury Chandler and the Loyalist Mind in a Democratic Age

Robert Zacharias, Reading Mennonite Writing: A Study in Minor Transnationalism

Princeton University Press

Olivier Zunz, The Man Who Understood Democracy: The Life of Alexis de Tocqueville

Rutgers University Press

Maxine N. Lurie, Taking Sides in Revolutionary New Jersey: Caught in the Crossfire

Jean R. Soderlund, Separate Paths: Lenapes and Colonists in West New Jersey

Vanderbilt University Press

Charlene Villaseñor Black, Transforming Saints: From Spain to New Spain

Elizabeth Elkins, We Should Soon Become Respectable: Nashville’s Own Timothy Demonbreun

Trajectories of Empire: Transhispanic Reflections on the African Diaspora, Edited by Jerome C. Branche

Yale University Press

A Cotton Mather Reader, Edited and with an Introduction by Reiner Smolinski and Kenneth P. Minkema

Carl J. Bon Tempo and Hasia R. Diner, Immigration: An American History

Penelope J. Corfield, The Georgians: The Deeds and Misdeeds of 18th-Century Britain

Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia: An Annotated Edition, Edited by Robert Pierce Forbes

Thomas S. Kidd, Thomas Jefferson: A Biography of Spirit and Flesh

Margarette Lincoln, London and the Seventeenth Century: The Making of the World’s Greatest City

Maeve Ryan, Humanitarian Governance and the British Antislavery World System

Traitor, Survivor, Icon: The Legacy of La Malinche, Edited by Victoria I. Lyall and Terezita Romo

Danielle Terrazas Williams, The Capital of Free Women: Race, Legitimacy, and Liberty in Colonial Mexico

Diane Wolfthal, Household Servants and Slaves: A Visual History, 1300–1700

University of Alabama Press

Jan F. Simek, Erin E. Dunsmore, Johannes Loubser, and Sierra M. Bow, The Cosmos Revealed: Precontact Mississippian Rock Art at Painted Bluff, Alabama

The Attention of a Traveller: Essays on William Bartram’s Travels and Legacy, Edited by Kathryn H. Braund

University of Arizona Press

William M. Clements, Oratory in Native North America

Decolonizing “Prehistory”: Deep Time and Indigenous Knowledges in North America, Edited by Gesa Mackenthun and Christen Mucher

Marianne O. Nielsen and Barbara M. Heather, Finding Right Relations: Quakers, Native Americans, and Settler Colonialism

Craig Santos Perez, Navigating CHamoru Poetry: Indigeneity, Aesthetics, and Decolonization

Cynthia Radding, Bountiful Deserts: Sustaining Indigenous Worlds in Northern New Spain

University of Chicago Press

Mirela Altic, Encounters in the New World: Jesuit Cartography of the Americas

Claire Rydell Arcenas, America’s Philosopher: John Locke in American Intellectual Life

Audubon at Sea: The Coastal and Transatlantic Adventures of John James Audubon, Edited by Christoph Irmscher and Richard J. King

Joseph Graham, Insatiable Hunger: Colonial Encounters in Context

Evan Haefeli, Accidental Pluralism: America and the Religious Politics of English Expansion, 1497-1662

Dana W. Logan, Awkward Rituals: Sensations of Governance in Protestant America

Gregory Nobles, The Education of Betsey Stockton: An Odyssey of Slavery and Freedom

Dael A. Norwood, Trading Freedom: How Trade with China Defined Early America

Elisa Tamarkin, Apropos of Something: A History of Irrelevance and Relevance

Michael A. Verney, A Great and Rising Nation: Naval Exploration and Global Empire in the Early US Republic

Catherine Zabinski, Amber Waves: The Extraordinary Biography of Wheat, from Wild Grass to World Megacrop

University Press of Florida

Christopher P. Barton, The Archaeology of Race and Class at Timbuctoo: A Black Community in New Jersey

Judith A. Bense, Presidios of Spanish West Florida

Identities, Experience, and Change in Early Mexican Villages, Edited by Catharina E. Santasilia, Guy David Hepp, and Richard A. Diehl

William F. Keegan, Taíno Indian Myth and Practice: The Arrival of the Stranger King

Under the Shade of Thipaak: The Ethnoecology of Cycads in Mesoamerica and the Caribbean, Edited by Michael D. Carrasco, Angélica Cibrián-Jaramillo, Mark A. Bonta, and Joshua D. Englehardt

University of Georgia Press

Jingle Davis, Following the Tabby Trail: Where Coastal History Is Captured in Unique Oyster-Shell Structures

Celia E. Naylor, Unsilencing Slavery: Telling Truths about Rose Hall Plantation, Jamaica

Amy E. Potter, Stephen P. Hanna, Derek H. Alderman, Perry L. Carter, Candace Forbes Bright, and David L. Butler, Remembering Enslavement: Reassembling the Southern Plantation Museum

University of Illinois Press

Music in Black American Life, 1600-1945: A University of Illinois Press Anthology, Compiled by Laurie Matheson. Introduction by Sandra Jean Graham

Susy J. Zepeda, Queering Mesoamerican Diasporas: Remembering Xicana Indígena Ancestries

University Press of Kansas

Andrew H. Browning, Schools for Statesmen: The Divergent Educations of the Constitution’s Framers

University of Massachusetts Press

Devin C. Manzullo-Thomas, Exhibiting Evangelicalism: Commemoration and Religion’s Presence of the Past

Andrew Witmer, Here and Everywhere Else: Small-Town Maine and the World

University of Nebraska Press

James Smith Allen, A Civil Society: The Public Space of Freemason Women in France, 1744–1944

James L. Hill, Creek Internationalism in an Age of Revolution, 1763–1818

Alan Knight, Bandits and Liberals, Rebels and Saints: Latin America since Independence

Tessie P. Liu, A Frail Liberty: Probationary Citizens in the French and Haitian Revolutions

John Milton Oskison, Unconquerable: The Story of John Ross, Chief of the Cherokees, 1828–1866

Susan Elizabeth Ramírez, In Praise of the Ancestors: Names, Identity, and Memory in Africa and the Americas

C. Thomas Shay, Under Prairie Skies: The Plants and Native Peoples of the Northern Plains

University of New Mexico Press

Jesuits and Race: A Global History of Continuity and Change, 1530–2020, Edited by Nathaniel Millett and Charles H. Parker

Maurilio E. Vigil and Helene Boudreau, Donaciano Vigil: The Life of a Nuevomexicano Soldier, Statesman, and Territorial Governor

University of North Carolina Press

Lindley S. Butler, A History of North Carolina in the Proprietary Era, 1629-1729

Stacy J. Lettman, The Slave Sublime: The Language of Violence in Caribbean Literature and Music

J. Brent Morris, Dismal Freedom: A History of the Maroons of the Great Dismal Swamp

Christina Ramos, Bedlam in the New World: A Mexican Madhouse in the Age of Enlightenment

Michael John Witgen, Seeing Red: Indigenous Land, American Expansion, and the Political Economy of Plunder in North America

University of Notre Dame Press

Brandon Dabling, A New Birth of Marriage: Love, Politics, and the Vision of the Founders

University of Oklahoma Press

American Citizenship and Constitutionalism in Principle and Practice, Edited By Steven Pittz and Joseph Postell

Sabine N. Meyer, Native Removal Writing: Narratives of Peoplehood, Politics, and Law

John F. Schwaller, The Stations of the Cross in Colonial Mexico: The Via crucis en mexicano by Fray Agustin de Vetancurt and the Spread of a Devotion

University of Pennsylvania Press

Susan H. Brandt, Women Healers: Gender, Authority, and Medicine in Early Philadelphia

Lori J. Daggar, Cultivating Empire: Capitalism, Philanthropy, and the Negotiation of American Imperialism in Indian Country

Elizabeth N. Ellis, The Great Power of Small Nations: Indigenous Diplomacy in the Gulf South

Misha Ewen, The Virginia Venture: American Colonization and English Society, 1580-1660

Zachary R. Goldsmith, Fanaticism: A Political Philosophical History

Justine S. Murison, Faith in Exposure: Privacy and Secularism in the Nineteenth-Century United States

Mairin Odle, Under the Skin: Tattoos, Scalps, and the Contested Language of Bodies in Early America

University of South Carolina Press

Carl P. Borick, The Charleston Museum: America’s First Museum

University of Tennessee Press

Keith Harper, A Mere Kentucky of a Place: The Elkhorn Association and the Commonwealth’s First Baptists

Sean M. Rafferty, Native Intoxicants of North America

University of Virginia Press

From Independence: to the U.S. Constitution: Reconsidering the Critical Period of American History, Edited by Douglas Bradburn and Christopher R. Pearl

Nick Nesbitt, The Price of Slavery: Capitalism and Revolution in the Caribbean

Mark Power Smith, Young America: The Transformation of Nationalism before the Civil War

Mark A. Tabbert, A Deserving Brother: George Washington and Freemasonry

Daniel B. Thorp, In the True Blue’s Wake: Slavery and Freedom among the Families of Smithfield Plantation

Martha Washington, The Papers of Martha Washington, Edited by Washington Papers Editors

Women in George Washington’s World, Edited by Charlene M. Boyer Lewis and George W. Boudreau

Early American Reprints

Susanna Rowson, Two Works of Susanna Rowson: Rebecca and The Inquisitor, Introduction by Steven Epley, Edited by Richard S. Pressman

Utopia in the Early U.S.: John Lithgow’s Equality and Other Writings, Introduction by John Mac Kilgore, Edited by Richard S. Pressman

Sally Sayward Barrell Keating Wood, Julia and the Illuminated Baron, Introduction by Scott Slawinski, Edited by Richard S. Pressman

Liveright / W. W. Norton & Company

Sally Denton, The Colony: Faith and Blood in a Promised Land

Eric Jay Dolin, Rebels at Sea: Privateering in the American Revolution

Pekka Hämäläinen, Indigenous Continent: The Epic Contest for North America

Mohr Siebeck

Cotton Mather, Biblia Americana: vol. 10: Hebrews--Revelation, Edited and with an Introduction by Jan Stievermann


Books Fall_Winter 2021


Jane Beekman

Jane Beekman

John Durand. Jane Beekman. 1767. Oil on canvas. Gift of the Beekman Family Association. New-York Historical Society. To view the full image, please click here or on the thumbnail.

Costume des Quakers

Costume des Quakers: Bibliothéque de Philadelphie

Costume des Quakers [graphic]: Bibliothéque de Philadelphie. Published in Édouard de Montulé's Voyage en Amérique, en Italie, en Sicile et en Egypte, pendant les années 1816, 1817, 1818 et 1819 (Paris, Delaunay [etc.], 1821). Library Company of Philadelphia. To view the full image, please click here or on the thumbnail.

Phillis Wheatley

Phillis Wheatley

Phillis Wheatley (ca. 1753–1784), Frontispiece and Title Page, Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral. Engraving attributed to Scipio Moorhead, 1773. Imagination Gallery B. American Treasures of the Library of Congress. Rare Book & Special Collections Division. To view the full image, please click here or on the thumbnail.

William Beekman

William Beekman

John Durand. William Beekman. 1767. Oil on canvas. Gift of the Beekman Family Association. New-York Historical Society. To view the full image, please click here or on the thumbnail.