Bibliography Archive
"Early American Literature: A Bibliography of Secondary Material: A bibliography of print criticism divided in categories designed to provide teachers and students a starting place for class preparation and research projects complied by Professor Edward J. Gallagher up to 1999. Students might consult the bibliography online, or teachers might download and modify it for their local purposes. Please see "Resources for Early American Studies: A Selective Guide," by Edward J. Gallagher in Carla Mulford's Teaching the Literatures of Early America, from European Contact to 1812. New York : Modern Language Association of America, 1999.”
Please click on the links below for the PDF documents of these bibliographies as organized by Professor Gallagher, Lehigh University. Thank you.
Critical Context: Scholarly Books & Articles; Bibliography; General References
Exploration and Discovery; Exploration and Settlement; Religion in Early America; New England; New France; New Spain; The Staple Colonies; The Middle Colonies
The Eighteenth Century; Transatlantic; Westward Expansion
Poetry; Fiction; Drama; Autobiography; Captivity Narratives; Narrative and Other Literary Forms
Multicultural Studies in General; Native American Studies; African American Studies; Women and Gender
Music; Art; History of the Book; Material Culture