Psychology of Teaching and Learning

Brian G. Smith, Ph.D.

Lesson 5 - Erik Erikson & Psycho-Social Development

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The assessments in this course are patterned after the Praxis II, Principles of Learning and Teaching tests required for licensure

Case Study - Lesson 5

Case studies are a very important part of this course of study. You may run through these scenarios an unlimited number of times. If you make errors, you will be referred to the appropriate area of the book, or an appropriate website.  The questions will be narrative, constructed responses to the issues in the study.   Upon submission of your answers, each of the narrative responses will have professionally written feedback of an ideal answer.  Carefully compare this to your answer to determine correctness There is a score associated with each case study but that score will not be recorded.  You will be given credit for participation.


Quiz - Lesson 5

You will have to take a quiz for each of the lessons. You have two opportunities to take each quiz.  The highest score will be recorded in the grade book.   Each of the quizzes will be multiple choice & true/false, open-book, open-notes.  Upon submitting each quiz, your quiz score as well as any items answered incorrectly will be available.


Homework and Quizzes are on Desire 2 Learn. Click on the Desire 2 Learn link, log in, select the Homework/Quizzes icon and choose the appropriate homework or quiz.



Grand Round Application - Lesson 5

Each lesson of this course will also require you to continue to work on the Grand Round project in this course.  Click on the assignment link below to go to the document that outlines the assignment for this lesson.  As you complete each lesson's Grand Round assignment, you will be completing that portion of the final project.  Each lesson will provide specific directions for how to turn in that portion of the Grand Round project.


Learning Profiles - Lesson 5

Each lesson in this course will have a Special Education topic  associated with it.  Click on the link below to go to the content of the topic.  Each of the Special Education topics was specifically chosen to complement the psychology topic.  There will be Special Education items on each lesson's quiz. 

Presentation of Theoretical Construct

Readings: Chapter 3


Lecture Outline:
Eight Stages of Psycho-Social Development
Stage Names Approximate Age Range Important Events
Trust vs. Mistrust Birth  - 18 months Feeding, Changing, Holding, Talked to, Safety, etc.
Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt 18 months - 3 years Toilet training, Dressing themselves, Feeding themselves, Walking, etc.
Initiative vs. Guilt 3 years - 6 years Assertive acts, Talking, Walking, Choosing clothes, Choosing food, etc
Industry vs. Inferiority 6 years - 12 years Learning to Read, Write, Do Math, Be Athletic, Sing, Draw, etc.
Identity vs. Role Confusion Adolescence Self-Definitions for, Peers, Occupation, Gender Roles, Sexual Orientation, etc
Intimacy vs. Isolation Young Adulthood Life Partners, Best Friends, Social Support Systems, Memberships
Generativity vs. Stagnation Middle Adulthood Parenting, Occupation, Marriage, Family, Physical Health, etc.
Integrity vs. Despair Seniorhood Death of Family Members/Friends, Retirement, Physical Health Issues, etc
Adapted from:Psychology(5thed.) by Lester A. Lefton. Allyn & Bacon, Boston, MA

Erikson's World View