Presentation of Theoretical Construct |
Chapter 6 |
Lecture Information: Skinner's Model for learning Antecedent – Behavior – Consequences
Antecedents are everything
in a student's environment that might be cuing the behavior. Skinner is famous for saying that
"we are all just products or our environment." In classroom management, an
excellent place to start is the environment. Boy/girl/boy/girl seating
charts in middle school Semi-permanent groupings at all
levels. Is the ADHD child sitting next
to the window? Behavior is the action that
is spurred on/caused by the environmental cues. Consequences are what
happens directly after the action. Extremely important to Skinner's
theory - the focal point of the theory For Skinner only two consequences
were possible Paid (Actor perceives a reward) Penalized (Actor perceives a
punishment) Antecedent: Behavior: Consequences: If you hold your ground (no candy), what will likely happen next time in the store's candy aisle? If you cave in (give candy), what will likely happen the next time in the store's candy aisle?