Materials for all courses are available through D2L.


Courses I teach:


BIO 360 Cellular and Molecular Physiology

This course is essentially membrane biophysics.  It’s all about understanding how the membrane regulates what is able to cross it and why.  It just so happens that one particular system does a lot of this (it’s the nervous system), and it is heavily featured in examples throughout the course.


BIO 349 Human Physiology

The yin to Human Anatomy’s yang, it’s all about how all of the wonderful systems in our bodies function.  A large survey course that virtually all pre-health profession students will take.  The intent is to provide students with an understanding of all of the systems in the human body.


BCBT 490 Topics in Biotechnology Techniques

A specialized, hands-on course that allows upper level students explore techniques I have used extensively in my own research.  My current focus is on histological approaches where students will be responsible for harvesting tissue and generating useful images and all steps in between.


Courses under development:



This course will be a survey course covering all relevant aspects of neurobiology with a laboratory component.

Web design by A. Stocker

Minnesota State University Moorhead, Biosciences Dept.