Syllabus Senior Seminar BIOL 484 Spring 2010 (posted 7 Jan 2010).doc
SS Papers Sp 2010/Investigating Clubfoot and Its possible treatments.pptx
SS Papers Sp 2010/Chemical Cues Senior Seminar Leah McIntire Fall 2009.ppt
SS Papers Sp 2010/Genetically Modicfied Soybeans Senior Seminar Kathy Van den Einde fall 2009.pptx
Data Bases:
List of MSUM searchable databases of primary literature
SS Papers Sp 2010/5 References Form 11jan2010.doc
SS Papers Sp 2010/Advisor's Evaluation Form11jan2010.doc
SS Papers Sp 2010/Checklist 11jan2010.doc
SS Papers Sp 2010/Format for Lit Cited and Abstract 20aug09.doc
SS Papers Sp 2010/Peer Review Permission Form updated 11jan2010.doc
SS Papers Sp 2010/Senior Seminar Major Presentation Form II
SS Papers Sp 2010/Tips for Good Scientific Writing 11jan2010.doc
SS Papers Sp 2010/new seminar rubric 11jan2010.xls (this is now old rubric, don't use this one)
SS Papers Sp 2010/New New Rubric for Oral Presentation Rubric Jan 2010.docx (new rubric as of Jan 2010 - use this one)
Spring 2010 Senior Seminar Students -- you can choose a new paper above or any of the below papers or you can choose your own paper but you must ok it with me and if must be in pdf format.
SS Papers Sp 2010/sdarticle[1] birth defects.PDF
SS Papers Sp 2010/sdarticle[1] diabetes and ADA.PDF
SS Papers Sp 2010/sdarticle[1] silver fox behavior.PDF
SS Papers Sp 2010/sdarticle[1] swift foxes acoustic signalling.PDF
SS Papers Sp 2010/sdarticle[2] coyote birth control and behavior.PDF
SS Papers Sp 2010/sdarticle[2] epilepsy and Adkins diet.PDF
SS Papers Sp 2010/sdarticle[3] epilepsy and ketogenic diet.PDF
SS Papers Sp 2010/sdarticle[3] sea turtles and explosions.PDF
SS Papers Sp 2010/Preterm Infants During massage.pdf
Schedule for Paper Presentations - Spring 2010:
T - 19 Jan - Alekhya K and Chasity B -
SS Papers
Sp 2010/sdarticle[1] birth defects.PDF
Th - 21 Jan - Liz J and Julie M -
SS Papers Sp 2010/Preterm Infants During massage.pdf
T - 26 Jan - Thelma A and Brad K -
Papers Sp 2010/sdarticle[1] diabetes and ADA.PDF
Th - 28 Jan - Naomi L. and Sam G
- SS Papers Sp 2010/sdarticle[3] epilepsy and ketogenic diet.PDF
T - 2 Feb - Tyler M and Bob J - low carbs -
pdf for Carb Controversy Paper (Mobbs)
Th - 4 Feb Josh C and Colt V -
Gray wolves
Yellowstone NP 01c0a84872facb1181f2b2f30&0.pdf
T - 9 Feb - Muna S and Supun J -
Th - 11 Feb - Alexis P and Eun K L -
Bipolar Disorder.pdf
NOTE -- 2 PAPERS on Tuesday, 16 Feb:
T -16 Feb -Eric B -SS
Papers Sp 2010/24-ggg heavy metal digested sludge.PDF
T - 16 Feb - Derek M -
SS Papers Sp 2010/sdarticle food taxation and obesity.PDF
Schedule for Major Presentations - Spring 2010:
Th - 18 Feb - Alekhya K
T - 23 Feb - Chasity B -
Th - 25 Feb - Liz J
T - 2 Mar - Julie M
Th - 4 Mar - Thelma A
T - 9 Mar - Brad K
Th - 11 Mar - Naomi L
T - 23 Mar - Sam G
Th - 25 Mar - Tyler M - Degenerative Joint Disease
T - 30 Mar - Bob J - Glaucoma
Th - 1 Apr - Josh C - Climate Change and Plants
T - 6 Apr - Colt V - Climate Change and Polar Bears
Th - 8 Apr - Muna S - Alzheimer's Disease
T - 13 Apr - Chelsea Walz
Th -15 Apr - Supun J - Migraine Headaches
Th -22 Apr - Alexis P - Breast Cancer Research
T - 27 Apr - Eun K L - Hair Loss
Th - 29 Apr - Derek M - Childhood Obesity
T - 4 May - Eric B - Microbial Fuel Cells
Below are pdf's for past papers; new papers
are posted towards the end of the list:
Senior Seminar - Spring 2007:
pdf for Coral Reef Paper -
pdf for Heartworm Paper -
pdf for Carb/High
Fat/Diabetes Paper -
pdf for Dolphin Paper - Crystal
Arnold -
pdf for Carb Controversy Paper -
pdf for Prairie Dog Paper -
pdf for Carnivore
Reproduction -
pdf for Bird Flu -
pdf for Prairie Dog -
Slobodchikoff Paper -
pdf for Avian
Flu and Brain - part 2 -
Senior Seminar - Fall 2007 M & W:
sdarticle.pdf designing greenways for birds.pdf
sdarticle.pdf flying squirrel space use.pdf
sdarticle.pdf load bearing dog hip.pdf
sdarticle.pdf fish manure.pdf
sdarticle.pdf dog handler behavior.pdf
sdarticle.pdf deer social rand and food.pdf
sdarticle.pdf anti papillomavirus.pdf
sdarticle.pdf tadpole chemical cues.pdf
sdarticle.pdf crying neural.pdf
sdarticle.pdf was Atkins right.pdf
sdarticle.pdf predation risks teal.pdf
Senior Seminar - Fall 2007 T & Th:
sdarticle.pdf low carbs summary paper.pdf
sdarticle.pdf flying squirrel space use.pdf
sdarticle.pdf muscle mitochondria.pdf
sdarticle.pdf crying neural.pdf
sdarticle.pdf fish manure.pdf
sdarticle.pdf feline leukemia.pdf
sdarticle.pdf dog handler behavior.pdf
sdarticle.pdf load bearing dog hip.pdf
sdarticle.pdf designing greenways for birds.pdf
sdarticle.pdf cns lymphoma.pdf
sdarticle.pdf deer social rand and food.pdf
Senior Seminar - Spring 2008 M & W:
sdarticle.pdf heifers and Neospora.pdf
pdf for Prairie Dog Paper
sdarticle.pdf horse learning.pdf
sdarticle.pdf crying neural.pdf
sdarticle.pdf dog handler behavior.pdf
sdarticle.pdf breast cancer 1.pdf
sdarticle.pdf tadpole chemical cues.pdf
sdarticle swift fox mating systems.pdf
sdarticle.pdf was Atkins right.pdf
pdf for Carb Controversy Paper (Mobbs)
sdarticle low carb high fat
diabetes (Yunsheng).pdf
Bipolar Disorder.pdf
sdarticle.pdf designing greenways for birds.pdf
sdarticle.pdf deer social
rank and food.pdf
Senior Seminar - Spring 2008 T & Th:
sdarticle mitochondria pdf.pdf
sdarticle.pdf dog handler behavior.pdf
sdarticle low carb high fat
diabetes (Yunsheng).pdf
sdarticle bank voles ultrasonic cries.pdf
sdarticle.pdf fish manure.pdf :
killifish paper01c0a848661cc90117d6f3dfd4&0.pdf
sdarticle.pdf horse learning.pdf
sdarticle swift fox mating systems.pdf
pdf for Dolphin Paper
sdarticle prairie dogs.removal (Bartz)
sdarticle.pdf soil water transpiration.pdf
sdarticle bat eared fox paternal presence.pdf
sdarticle.pdf was Atkins right.pdf
pdf for Carb Controversy Paper (Mobbs)
Gray wolves
Yellowstone NP 01c0a84872facb1181f2b2f30&0.pdf
sdarticle.pdf feline leukemia.pdf
Senior Seminar - Fall 2008 Papers (Note that some
are repeated from above):
2007 mudminnow AS EBF.pdf
2008 Sound the Alarm EBF.pdf
sdarticle swift fox mating
sdarticle.pdf heifers and Neospora.pdf
Gray wolves
Yellowstone NP 01c0a84872facb1181f2b2f30&0.pdf
sdarticle bat eared fox paternal presence.pdf
sdarticle low carb high fat
diabetes (Yunsheng).pdf
pdf for Carb Controversy Paper
sdarticle.pdf dog handler behavior.pdf
Bipolar Disorder.pdf
pdf for Dolphin Paper
joint stiffness and gait pattern evaluation in children with down synrome.pdf
pdf for Coral Reef Paper
sdarticle.pdf was Atkins right.pdf
sdarticle.pdf load bearing dog hip.pdf
sdarticle.pdf predation risks teal.pdf
sdarticle.pdf soil water transpiration.pdf
sdarticle.pdf tadpole chemical cues.pdf
Old Syllabus Below -- Keep for Reference:
2009 BIOL 484
Course Description:
Oral presentation by students and staff based on critical evaluation of scientific literature and/or independent research.
Dr. Donna Bruns Stockrahm
- Biosciences Department
- Office: Hagen 407S
- Office Phone: (218)
Home Phone: (218) 937-5280
Cell Phone: (701) 367-3045
- Email:
Office: Hagen Hall 407S
Web Site:
Dr. Stockrahm's Office Hours: See office hours posted on my office
door (Hagen 407S)
Class meets at 12:30-1:20pm.
Days |
Room |
Instructor |
Topic |
Tues/Thurs |
HA 411 |
Dr. Donna Bruns Stockrahm |
Mixed Topics |
There is no required text for this course. The course
objectives are two:
1. To gain skills in accessing and critically
evaluating the primary literature
2. To gain skills, through direct experience, in
communicating science as an informal discussion group and as a formal seminar
a. Gain skills in accessing the
primary literature
b. Critically evaluate primary
c. Formulate questions during a
d. Gain an appreciation for the
nature of scientific enquiry
e. Gain public speaking skills
1. Attend class. Giving a presentation is a learning
experience and a valuable skill that will help you in whatever career your
future holds for you. Equally valuable is the ability to listen critically, to
evaluate a presentation and formulate and ask probing questions. This is
critical thinking another hugely valuable skill that applies to any career
path. Much of what this course offers is acquired as an audience member.
Therefore, attendance is mandatory and part of the calculus of the Pass grade.
unexcused absences will be tolerated. After that, the grade is an automatic
2. Participate in discussions as animatedly as your personality and the law will allow (Brian Wisenden's words!).
3. Lead a paper discussion of a paper in the
primary literature.
4. Present a major presentation a synthesis of
4 or 5 related papers from the primary literature, and prepare a written
abstract to be distributed at your talk.
5. Provide constructive feedback to the speaker of major presentations.
Grading rubric:
There are 100 points. A total of 60 points is needed to pass the course.
Attendance is mandatory and not part of the point system
15 points = Participation in class. Each person should contribute to the discussion each day. The proportion of days for which each person takes part in conversation (asks a question, weighs in with a comment, etc) will be the proportion of 15 points earned for participation.
15 points = Submitting questions to D2L. Each student must submit 2 questions for each minor presentation. One question should relate to either the introduction or the methods of the paper being discussed. The second question should relate to the results or the discussion of the paper being discussed. Submit the questions on D2L at least 24 hours before the presentation so that the facilitator has a chance to read, research and prepare answers to the questions. The grade for questions will be assessed as the proportion of the number of questions that were submitted as a ratio of the number of questions that should have been submitted.
20 points = Minor presentation. Each student will lead a paper discussion of an assigned paper. These papers will be posted as pdfs on Dr. Stockrahm's web page.
50 points = Major presentation. 30 points will be for the presentation itself, 20 points will be for the process of preparing for the presentation. Details on this rubric are forthcoming.
Guide to paper discussions:
Major presentation:
The major presentation is done by each individual in the course. You are
required to work with a faculty member as you prepare your talk. You will not be
allowed to present your talk unless your faculty advisor has signed off on it
verifying that you have met with them during preparation of the talk and
rehearsed the talk with your advisor.
The talk is a 35-40 minute PowerPoint presentation on 4 or 5 related papers from the primary literature. These papers should be chosen carefully so that they link together to tell a larger story. The presentation should be organized as follows:
General advice for the major presentation:
Academic honesty: All students are expected to be honest in all their work for this class. In the event of joint projects, all students working on the project are expected to contribute equally to the final product. See MSUM Student Handbook address:
Students with disabilities: Students with disabilities who believe they may need an accommodation in this class are encouraged to contact Greg Toutges, Coordinator of Disability Services at 477-5859 (voice) or 1-800-627-3529 (MRS/TTY), CMU 114 as soon as possible to ensure that accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.
Attendance policy: Students are expected to attend all seminars (see above). See MSUM Student Handbook address above.