Great Plains Economics Challenge
Monday March 30, 2015
North Dakota Economics Challenge
Tuesday March 31, 2015
A word from the Emeritus Director
Economic and financial education is a national concern. The reality is that American high school and college students know precious little about how the American economic system works and what they need to know to work successfully in it. In 1998, the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank commissioned a national survey on economic literacy. Survey results showed that 35 percent of high school students, 39 percent of the general public and 51 percent of college seniors gave incorrect answers to basic economic questions.
The price of economic illiteracy is that young people are unfamiliar with the basics of saving, investing, and the uses of money and credit. Adults are more likely to have money problems, career problems and credit problems, and they are less likely to make informed decisions as citizens and voters. In response, the Minnesota Council on Economic Education has been working with K-12 teachers in Minnesota in connection with the state's adoption of standards-based education. One of the learning areas for the proposed standards is resource management with the emphasis on economic systems and personal and family management.
Economic education has been a national concern for the past 50 years. The National Council on Economic Education was founded in 1949 with the purpose of being a premier reference source for teacher training and educational materials for grades K-12. The Minnesota Council on Economic Education is affiliated with the National Council. Founded in 1961 as a non-profit, non-partisan organization, the Minnesota Council seeks to provide Minnesotans with the economic understanding they need to function effectively in a complex, global economy. Working with the Minnesota Council, the Center at Minnesota State University Moorhead was started just this summer (1999), and is located within the Department of Economics, third floor MacLean Hall. Our intention is to develop and conduct teacher and community education programs using existing organizations and networks. Specific objectives of the Moorhead State Center may include such activities as:
- Providing development programs in economic education through credit and non-credit workshops, seminars and courses for teachers, curriculum supervisors, and others;
- disseminating quality economic education curriculum material to K-12 teachers;
- involving area schools in the national EconomicsAmerica school program (offering activities such as an Economic Challenge for area high school students) and working with teachers from those schools;
- distributing and developing economic education materials; and
- conducting follow-up and refresher courses/workshops for teachers who have previously attended economic education programs.
We look forward to meeting you!
Dr. Vernon Dobis,
Emeritus Director, Center for Economic Education
Minnesota State University Moorhead
A word from the current Director
The reality is that American high school and college students still know precious little about how the American economic system works and what they need to know to work successfully in it. As in the Gary Stern quote, "Economic Literacy is crucial because it is a measure of whether people understand the forces that significantly affect the quality of their lives." The task of the Center for Economic Education and teachers will continue to be a challenge as our economy changes rapidly. The American economic system is more than just America; we are part of a continually changing Global economy. By the time we think we understand the "game", it has already changed.
The Center for Economic Education and its affiliates will continue to revise and update our material to assist better teachers, students, and the local community. So, let us know what you would like and what you need. Stop by and visit. We are here for you. We are located in MacLean Hall in the Department of Economics on the Minnesota State University Moorhead Campus. Professor Stutes the current director can be reached at 218-477-4027 or e-mail at
Dr. Gregory W. Stutes,
Director, Center for Economic Education
Minnesota State University Moorhead