



Prepositional Phrases

We have seen prepositional phrases before, primarily in the discussion of noun phrases because one function that they can perform in a sentence is to modify a noun.  We have already seen how they can be embedded within a noun phrase, and we have briefly studied the structure of the prepositional phrase itself.  In this chapter we will look more closely at prepositions and prepositional phrases, determining their forms, meanings, and functions.

A good place to begin, then, is to see if you can define what a preposition is and pick them out among all the words in a sentence.

Activity 11.1: Identifying Prepositions

Exercise A: What is a preposition?

Fill in the box with your answer, then click on the "solution" button to see the preferred answer.

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Exercise B: Find just the preposition in the following sentences. Those that are compound will select as such.

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Exercise C: Now, find the entire prepositional phrase for each sentence. Each word must be selected. Click on the button to check your answer.

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 Study the morphology of the prepositions.  What can you say about the forms of these words?

Page 2 - Prepositions