Psy 430
Revising Methods and
Preparing IRB Materials


From the University IRB website:
IRB Review Criteria

In reviewing proposals the IRB considers the following general criteria.

  1. Are risks and discomforts to subjects minimized?
  2. Are risks and discomforts to subjects reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits, if any, to subjects, and the importance of the knowledge that may reasonably be expected to result? Although the IRB does not specifically evaluate the quality of the proposed research, it may become relevant in determining if potential benefits outweigh risks.
  3. Will voluntary and informed consent to participate in research be obtained from each subject or the subject's legally authorized representative and will it be appropriately documented? The consent process must permit the participant or legally authorized representative to exercise free power of choice without undue inducement or any element of deceit, fraud, force, duress, or other form of coercion or constraint.
  4. Will the privacy of subjects and confidentiality or anonymity of data be protected?

 MSUM IRB website  

Example Abstract and Methods for IRB

Sample Materials (stimuli, questionnaires, video clips, etc.  for IRB--write out a transcript (detailed summary) of any videos that are part of your critical manipulation. Attach any pictures, questionnaires, instruments, written scenarios, etc. Any supplements describing or displaying materials to be used in the experiment can be included in the same word processing document, if possible. If separate files exist, remember to print them and attach them at the end of the submitted IRB materials.

Sample Abstracts

Example Consent Form

Debriefing Form≤≤use this one as a model--See Psychology Department's research page and then click on link for the generic debriefing form. The sample debriefing form on the University IRB website is not detailed enough.

Human Research Approval Form

Sample Ethical Compliance Questionnaire

Sample 430 Student IRB Submission    New & Extremely helpful!!  :)

Editing Exercise

1) Is your experiment methodologically sound? Does it have internal validity? That is, will your method allow you to attribute any differences in performance on the DV to differences in the level of the IV received? Have you controlled for potential confounds? If not, how will you do so?

2) In order to know whether the risks/discomforts to subjects are minimized, reviewers need to know what the risks/discomforts are. How will they know?

3) List and discuss potential risks/discomforts in your experiment.

4) How have you crafted your method to ensure that these risks are minimized? Have you clearly communicated these precautions? If not, how will you accomplish this?

5) Have you provided an organized, clear, and detailed Method to minimize any questions or ethical issues? If not, what needs to be done?

6) What will you do to ensure the privacy of subjects and confidentiality or anonymity of data will be protected?