Department of Technology

ENG 200 - Surveying

Spring 2004

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Course Syllabus 

(Last edited March 10, 2004 )

Instructor: Ron Williams Office: Hagen 103F
Telephone: 477-2480 Office Hours: 2-4:30 MW, 8:40 - 11:10 TH
E-Mail: # of Credits: 3-4
# of Lecture Hours per Week: 3 Lecture Schedule: 1:00 MWF
# of Lab Hours per Week: 2 Lab Schedule: Arranged

Catalog Description: Use and adjustment of surveying instruments; measurements by tape, electronic, and stadia methods; topographic surveying; coordinate systems, earthwork areas and volumes.

Text: Surveying, Fifth Edition, by Jack McCormac, Wiley

Accreditation Competencies Identified with this Course:

  • gain an understanding of the properties and applications of basic math concepts, including trigonometric functions, triangles, angles, etc.
  • develop an understanding of methods and equipment used in construction testing, such as surveying and soil analysis.
  • develop an understanding of the use of computers in the various areas of the construction industry.

Course Objectives: At the completion of this course, the students will possess a working knowledge of:

  • Field procedures and office calculations used in plane surveying.
  • Use of the transit, level, and chain.
  • Electronic distance measuring (EDM) and laser leveling devices.
  • Total stations and global positioning equipment.
  • Calculating the direction of each side of a boundary and the area it encloses, given the measured angles at each corner and the length of each side.

Instructor Expectations:

Attendance: Regular and on-time class attendance is expected. If you have a legitimate reason for missing a class, please inform the instructor before the class. Students will be responsible for all class materials covered. There will be no make-up of missed tests or quizzes except by prior permission of the instructor or in unusual circumstances.

Laboratory Activities: Laboratory assignments will be completed by crews of 3-4 people. Each crew is responsible to check out the necessary equipment and complete the assignment outside the scheduled class time. The crew is responsible for establishing a time outside of the regularly scheduled class when all member can meet to complete their work. Your crew is also responsible to divide the work so that all members share in the effort. Should a crew member fail to uphold her/his responsibilities in attending and working on labs, the other crew members may appeal to the instructor to "fire" that member. This appeal must be unanimous, and must include documented efforts to resolve the problem. If fired, you will receive no credit for any work completed after that date!

Quality of Laboratory Assignments: Reporting of laboratory assignments will be maintained in a standard surveyor’s field book. The note form to be used will be given with each lab assignment. Sketches will be neatly drawn using a straightedge. All information is to be written using a hard (4H) pencil. No erasures are allowed.


  • Tests: The dates for the first two tests are shown on the schedule. Test 3 will be given during the scheduled final class period, Wednesday, May 14, at 12:00 Noon. Tests will not be comprehensive, and will be closed book. Students may bring one page of notes for reference.

  • Quizzes: Quizzes will be given each Friday at the start of class. They will be one or two problems and will take no more than 15 minutes to complete. Quizzes will be open book, open notes.

  • Lab Assignments: Lab assignments will be given throughout the semester, as classroom preparation allows. Each lab assignment will include a specified due date. Each crew will be responsible for scheduling their work time and arranging to check out the equipment necessary to meet this timeline. These labs will be graded only on completeness and adherence to the schedule.  If your crew does the work to the accuracy required in the lab write-up, and submits your field book by the specified date, you will receive full credit for the lab.
  • Lab Tests: Lab tests of leveling and traversing skills will be given after Labs 2 and 5 are complete. These labs will be graded on how well the lab is performed, based on the accuracy of your results. Your crew’s field book will also be evaluated at the end of the semester, and that grade will be treated as one lab test.

  • 3 or 4 credits: Students who registered for 4 credits will earn 3 credits for completing the lecture portion of the class, including 3 tests. One credit is earned for completion of the labs and lab tests. Students who register for 3 credits must also complete the lab assignments, but need only complete the coursework through chapter 16 (see the attached daily schedule), and take Tests 1 and 2. Those registered for 3 credits need not attend class after Chapter 19, or take Test 3.

Grading Criteria: The grading for this class will be based on:

          Tests (average of 2 or 3)                  50%
          Quizzes                                           10%
          Lab Assignments                             20%
          Lab Tests                                        20%


  1. Assistance Available: Students who have disabilities, whether permanent or temporary, limiting their ability to participate in activities, projects, and other educational functions of any class are reminded to discuss these special needs with each of their instructors at the beginning of the semester. Accommodations will vary with the needs of the student. Some examples include adaptive testing, note taking, taped texts, and special seating arrangements. Students are also reminded that in the event of an emergency building evacuation, if they have disabilities that prohibit them from moving down stairwells, they should move to the nearest stairwell landing from where the Moorhead Fire Department can provide for their evacuation. Any student wanting additional information regarding disability services, clarification of policy, or simply a chance to discuss concerns related to a disabling condition, may call or stop by the Office of Disability Services, located in Comstock Memorial Union, Room 222.