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Analysis Procedures

Teacher Profile
A teacher profile is developed to summarize teacher data collected from the instruments used in this study. Each profile used a similar format, providing descriptions of the participants' teaching in five categories (I-Knowing Science Content, II-Knowing Pedagogy, III-Knowing Students, IV-Establishing a Learning Environment, V-Professional Development).

Overall Protocol
Profile Template

Availability of Profiles
Nearly all of the profiles can be accessed electronically via an excel spreadsheet.

User's Guide for the spreadsheet
Potential questions that can be addressed by profile sin the spreadsheet.

Profiles were then divided into four categories: elementary science, secondary science, elementary mathematics, secondary mathematics. All profiles within a subgroup are analyzed by a single researcher with knowledge and expertise in the area corresponding to the descriptor for each subgroup. Profile analyses are reviewed and confirmed by two additional reviewers for each set of profiles.

Availability of Analyses
All of the analyses of profiles grouped by discipline and by year can be accessed electronically via the links below.

Elementary Math 99-00
Elementary Math 00-01
Secondary Math 99-00
Secondary Math 00-01
Secondary Math 01-02
Elementary Science 99-00
Elementary Science 00-01
Elementary Science 01-02
Secondary Science 99-00
Secondary Science 00-01
Secondary Science 01-02