Minnesota Teacher Research Network
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Minnesota Teacher Research Network (TRN)

The Teacher Research Network (TRN) was initiated in 1998. Originally, it was comprised of five teacher-preparation institutions in a collaborative effort to assess their programs by looking at their recent graduates. The network includes 13 higher education institutions in Minnesota. The group developed several instruments that can be used to observe, interview, and survey new teachers of science and mathematics. The data are then compiled into a teacher profile that contains categories which reflect the organization of the standards for teachers of science and mathematics in Minnesota described in SciMathMN'sTransforming Teacher Education Framework. These instruments can also collect information from students in methods classes as well as from student teachers.

Participating Higher Eductation Institutions in Minnesota
- Minnesota State University Moorhead
- St. Cloud State University
- University of Minnesota Duluth
- Gustavus Adolphus College
- St. Mary's University
- Southwest State University

- College of St. Scholastica
- University of St. Thomas
- Minnesota State University, Mankato
- St. John's University/College of St. Benedict
- Winona State University
- University of Minnesota
- St.Olaf College
(Note: First five institutions on this list were the original five to form the network.)

Purpose of Study
The TRN Study project was established to collect information about the practice of beginning K-12 science and math teachers in Minnesota in their first three years of teaching. The major motivation for embarking on this collaborative study was tha concern among teacher educators about the high percentage of beginning science and math teachers dropping out of teaching during their first three years of teaching. By examining the context in which are beginning teachers teach math and science, perhaps some insights may be gained as what factors might be causing this high drop out rate.

Specifically the research questions of the study are:
-What are new teachers’ current practices, knowledge and beliefs about teaching science/math?
-What is the context in which new teachers teach science/math?

Funding Sources
Minnesota Department of Education
ADC Foundation