Outreach is a large part of my life as a biology professor/science educator. I am available to visit schoolsin the Red River Valley to give presentations to students of all ages. I often recruit undergraduate helpers to come with me, or even visit on their own once they have been trained in.
My secondary science methods students are fortunate to have been welcomed into Nandini Katti's classes at the Red River Area Learning Center to practice teach their 5-E science lessons. I would welcome additional opportunities in the Fargo-Moorhead area for my preservice teachers, especially in specialized classes such as ELL or AP science classes. Please contact me if you have any ideas!
Several MSUM faculty members have been working hard to develop and run a summer science camp for middle school students the past two years. I currently serve as the recruiting director and an instructor for this camp. Please check out the Discovery Science Camp webpage. I am especially excited about the "BioTimeBandits" course I developed with MSUM faculty member Becky Andres, Moorhead teacher Chip Lyslo, and MSUM students Amanda Wickersham, Nika Gallo, Melissa Goddard, and Mitch Lakner.