3.4.1 Translations and Rotations  Acrobat Reader IconPrintout
By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is bitterest.
Exit book to another website.Confucius (551–479 B.C.)


Definition.  A translation through a vector PQ is a transformation of a plane, denoted TPQ, such that if TPQ maps X to X', then the vector XX' = PQ.

Definition.  A rotation about a point C through an angle with measure , denoted , is a transformation of a plane where C is mapped to itself and for any point X distinct from C if  maps X to X', then d(X', C) = d(X, C) and . C is called the center of the rotation.

By convention, the angle rotation is considered to be a counter-clockwise rotation. Illustrate the formation of a rotation of 210 degrees.Also, angle measure is extended to any real number value by use of the Supplement Postulate and Angle Addition Postulate. As illustrated in the diagram, the 210° angle is formed from the sum of 30°, 150°, and 30° angles by use of vertical angles and the axioms. The reader should be able to justify the extension process from the axioms.

Definition. A transformation f is a symmetry of a point set if and only if the point set is invariant under the transformation.

Examples.  An infinite linear list of circles    …O O O O O O O…  has translation symmetry. What is a translation vector for this list? A square has four rotation symmetries: rotations of 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270° about the center of the square.

Investigation Exercises.  Is each transformation an isometry? If yes, is it a direct or indirect isometry?

3.46.  Draw a right triangle  with right angle at C. Accurately draw its image under each transformation.

     (b)  TAM where M is the midpoint of .

     (d)  RC,150


3.47.  Draw the image of each transformation (a)  TPQ  (b)  Rc,240 .

Diagram for Exercise 3.47(a).       Diagram for Exercise 3.47(b).
Click here to investigate dynamic illustrations of the above diagrams with GeoGebra html or JavaSketchpad.

3.48.  Complete the table of the compositions of rotation symmetries for an equilateral triangle. An animation sketch is available for Geometers Sketchpad in Geometers Sketchpad and GeoGebra Prepared Sketches and Scripts.


I = RO,0



I = RO,0












     Is the set of rotation symmetries of an equilateral triangle a group? Explain.


3.49.  Complete a table of the compositions of the rotation symmetries for a square. Is the set of rotation symmetries of a square a group? Explain.Link to video on a translation is an isometry.

Theorem 3.11. A translation of a Euclidean plane is an isometry.


Proof.  Let TPQ be a translation of a Euclidean plane. Let X and Y be two distinct points in the plane and X' = TPQ(X) and Y' = TPQ(Y). By the definition of a translation,  are congruent and parallel. Two cases are possible: either X, X', Y, and Y' are not collinear or they are collinear.
      Assume X, X', Y, and Y' are not collinear. Since  are congruent and parallel, the quadrilateral XX'Y'Y is a parallelogram. Hence, XY = X'Y'.
      Assume X, X', Y, and Y' are collinear. Suppose the points are in the order X, Y, X', Y'. Then by betweenness of points and substitution, XY = XX' – YX' = YY' – X'Y = X'Y'. The subcases for other orders of the points are similar.
      In both cases XY = X'Y' for any two distinct points X and Y. Therefore,
TPQ is an isometry.//


Theorem 3.12. A nonidentity translation has no invariant points.Link to video on invariant properties of a translation.


Theorem 3.13. The set of translations of a plane is a group under composition.


Theorem 3.14. There exists a unique translation mapping X to Y for any two distinct points X and Y in a Euclidean plane.


Theorem 3.15. Let P and Q be two distinct points in a Euclidean plane. Line  and all lines parallel to line  are invariant under the translation TPQ. No other lines are invariant.

Proof.  Let P and Q be two distinct points in a Euclidean plane. By Theorem 3.14, there exists a unique translation TPQ. First, we show the line PQ is invariant. Let X be a point on the line PQ. Then the line XX' is parallel to the line PQ where X' = TPQ (X). If X' is not on line PQ, then the line XX' would intersect the line PQ at X, which contradicts that the lines XX' and PQ are parallel. Hence, X' is on line PQ. Therefore, line PQ is invariant under TPQ.
       Let l be any line parallel to line PQ. Let X be any point on l and X' =
TPQ (X). By the definition of translation, lines XX'  and PQ are parallel. By the Euclidean Parallel Postulate, l and XX' are the same line. Since every point on line l maps to a point on line l, l is invariant under TPQ.
      We need to show there are no other lines that are invariant under
TPQ. Suppose line l is invariant under TPQ and is not parallel to line PQ. Then l and line PQ intersect at some point X. Hence, X is on two invariant lines l and PQ. Hence, the image point X' = TPQ(X) is on both lines. Since the two lines are distinct, we must have X = X', i.e., X  is an invariant point under TPQ. But this contradicts Theorem 3.12. Hence, no other lines are invariant under TPQ.//

Exercise 3.50.  Verify other subcases in Case 2 of the proof of Theorem 3.11.


Exercise 3.51.  Prove Theorem 3.12.


Exercise 3.52.  Prove Theorem 3.13.


Exercise 3.53.  Prove Theorem 3.14.


Theorem 3.16. A rotation of a Euclidean plane is an isometry.Link to video on a rotation is an isometry.


Proof. Let  be a rotation of a Euclidean plane where C is the center. Let X and Y be two distinct points in the plane and  and . Either the points C, X, and Y are collinear or noncollinear.
      Assume C, X, and Y are collinear. Suppose C = X. Then by definition of , XY = CY = CY' = XY'. The case for C = Y is similar. Suppose X is between C and Y. By the definition of , CX = CX' , CY = CY' and  Since C-X-Y and ,  and C-X'-Y'. Hence, by substitution and betweenness of points, XY = CY  CX = CY'  CX' = X'Y'.Diagram of two cases in the proof of Theorem 3.16. The cases for other orders are similar.
      Assume C, X, and Y are noncollinear. Then by definition of , , , and  Similar to the argument using betweenness of points, we have by substitution and angle addition that  (Note that several cases must be considered; the details are left for Exercise 3.54.) Hence, by SAS,  Therefore, XY = X'Y'.
In all of the cases, XY = X'Y' for any two distinct points X and Y; therefore,  is an isometry.//


Theorem 3.17. A nonidentity rotation has exactly one invariant point.


Theorem 3.18. The set of rotations with center C of a plane is a group under composition.


Exercise 3.54. (a) Verify the case where C is between X and Y in the proof of Theorem 3.16. (b) Verify the angle congruence for each case when the points were assumed to be noncollinear in the proof of Theorem 3.16.


Exercise 3.55.  Prove Theorem 3.17.


Exercise 3.56.  Prove Theorem 3.18.


3.3.3 Model - Affine IsometryBack to Isometry for the Euclidean Plane Model.Next to Translations and Rotations for the Euclidean Plane Model.3.4.2 Model - Affine Translations and Rotations

Ch. 3 Transformational TOC  Table of Contents

  Timothy Peil  Mathematics Dept.  MSU Moorhead

© Copyright 2005, 2006 - Timothy Peil