GEOS 417 Assignments

Lab 1 - Preservation

Documentation - - Preservation

Preservation Assignment

Lab 2 - assemblage types

Assemblage Assignment

Dinosaur Taphonomy-Lab

Jennings and Hasiotis Paper

Mothers Day Quarry Map



There will be Five discussions on various topics. Four people will be chosen at random at the beginning of the discussion, and will serve as moderators for the discussion. 15% of your grade in this course comes from participation in discussions. If you miss a discussion, you will write a 2-5 page reaction to the next paper (see instructions below) and turn it in after the discussion. Also, before doing anything, make sure you read the guide to reading these articles...I think you will find it useful.


Discussions - Reaction Paper Instructions

Guide for reading journal articles for in-class discussions


Paper 1 - Behrensmeyer and Kidwell, 1985

Paper 2 - Brett, et. al., 2007

Paper 3- Gates, 2005

Paper 4 - Chin, 2002

Paper 5 - Fiore, 2004

Paper 6 - Colson et. al., 2004