Chemistry 102 Laboratory Excercises
Chemistry 102
Asoka Marasinghe
Schedule of Experiments – Fall 2014
The hand-in is a MS-Word document. Your responses to the hand-in questions etc. must be typed. Complete sentences are expected as responses, descriptions etc. Cryptic and one word responses carry no points.
Staple all the pages in the proper order. Place them in the labelled slot of the dropbox located in front of Hagen 103 on or before the due date by 4pm.
Experiment/Assignment | Additional Material |
Due Date |
1 |
The Effectiveness of Sunscreen (Labpaq CD) | Sept 29 |
2 |
Water Quality (Labpaq CD) | Oct 20 |
3 |
Acid Rain. (Labpaq CD) | Nov 10 |
4 |
Energy Comparison of Fuels (Labpaq CD) | Dec 5 |
All reports (hand-ins) must be typed in Microsoft word. |