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Minnesota State University Moorhead
Dr. Craig P. Jasperse, Chemistry email: jasperse@mnstate.edu Phone: (218) 477-2230 Office: Hagen 407J |
Online Organic
Jasperse Research
Older Publications By Jasperse
Synlett, 1992, 943-961 | 14. New mechanistic insights into reductions of halides and radicals with samarium(II) iodide. Curran, Dennis P.; Fevig, Thomas L.; Jasperse, Craig P.; Totleben, Michael J. Synlett (1992), (12), 943-61. |
Synlett, 1992, 25-26 | 13. Radical isomerization and allylation reactions of 2-iodo-3,3-dimethyl-4-pentenoate esters. Curran, Dennis P.; Jasperse, Craig M.; Abraham, Ann C. Synlett (1992), (1), 25-6. |
JOC 1991 | Absolute Rate Constants for Vinyl and Aryl Radicals12. Approximate absolute rate constants for the reactions of tributyltin radicals with aryl and vinyl halides. Curran, Dennis P.; Jasperse, Craig P.; Totleben, Michael J. Journal of Organic Chemistry (1991), 56(25), 7169-72. |
Chem Reviews 1991 | Radical Reactions in Natural Product Synthesis 11. Radical reactions in natural product synthesis. Jasperse, Craig P.; Curran, Dennis P.; Fevig, Thomas L. Chemical Reviews (1991), 91(6), 1237-86. |
JACS 1990 | Total Synthesis of Modhephene using Radical Chemistry 10. Sequential radical cyclization approach to propellane triquinanes. Total synthesis of (_)-modhephene. Jasperse, Craig P.; Curran, Dennis P. Journal of the American Chemical Society (1990), 112(14), 5601-9. |
INCH 1990 | Carborane Cluster Chemistry 9. Substituent effects in cluster species. 6. Photoelectron spectra of 5- and 5,6-substituted 2,4-dicarba-closo-heptaborane(7). Beltram, G. A.; Jasperse, C.; Cavanaugh, M. A.; Fehlner, T. P. Inorganic Chemistry (1990), 29(2), 329-35. |
JOC 1988 | Synthesis and Characterisation of the First Stable Selenenic Acid 8. Organoselenium chemistry. Preparation and reactions of 2,4,6-tri-tert-butylbenzeneselenenic acid. Reich, Hans J.; Jasperse, Craig P.. Journal of Organic Chemistry (1988), 53(10), 2389-90. |
JACS 1987 | Redox chemistry of a Selenocysteine Model System 7. Organoselenium chemistry. Redox chemistry of selenocysteine model systems. Reich, Hans J.; Jasperse, Craig P.. Journal of the American Chemical Society (1987), 109(18), 5549-51. |
JOC 1986 | Enolate Alkylations of Bromomethylselenides 6. Organoselenium chemistry. Alkylation of acid, ester, amide, and ketone enolates with bromomethyl benzyl selenide and sulfide. Preparation of selenocysteine derivatives. Reich, Hans J.; Jasperse, Craig P.; Renga, James M. Journal of Organic Chemistry (1986), 51(15), 2981-8. |
J Molecular Structure 1983 | 5. On the structures of H+(CO)5 and H+(N2)5. DeKock, Roger L.; Jasperse, Craig P.. THEOCHEM (1983), 14(1-2), 231-2. |
INCH 1983 | Proton Affinities for Borane and Carborane Clusters 4. MNDO studies of proton affinity as a probe of electronic structure. 2. Boranes and carboranes. DeKock, Roger L.; Jasperse, Craig P.. Inorganic Chemistry (1983), 22(26), 3843-8. |
INCH 1983 | MNDO Studies of Proton Affinities 3. MNDO studies of proton affinity as a probe of electronic structure. 1. General overview. DeKock, Roger L.; Jasperse, Craig P.. Inorganic Chemistry (1983), 22(26), 3839-43. |
J Molecular Structure 1983 | 2. Quantum chemical calculations on the structure of chlorine fluoride ((Cl2F)+) and related molecules. Dekock, Roger L.; Jasperse, Craig P.; Dao, Daniel T.; Bieda, James H.; Liebman, Joel F. Journal of Fluorine Chemistry (1983), 22(6), 575-84. |
J Molecular Structure 1983 | 1. MNDO study of the proton affinity of fluorinated formaldehydes and acetones. DeKock, Roger L.; Jasperse, Craig P.; Konings, Mark S. THEOCHEM (1983), 11(3-4), 343-50. |
Patent 2003 | 1. Provisional Patent: Beta-Amino Acids and Methods and Intermediates for Making Same. Sibi, Mukund P,; Jasperse, Craig P.; Prabagaran, Narayansamy; Ghorpade, Sandeep. Provisional patent application Docket No. 047.00040(RFT-112). |
Patent 2003 | 2. Provisional Patent: Chiral Ligands with Fluxional Groups. Sibi, Mukund P.; Manyem, Shankar; Jasperse, Craig Peter; Zhang, Ruzhou. Provisional patent application Registration No. 38,601, Docket No. 047.000300(RFT-114), Date: 18-June-2003 |
Patent 2002 | 3. Pyrazole Intermediates in a Method of Preparation of Beta-Amino Acids. Sibi, Mukund P.; Shay, John Joseph; Jasperse, Craig Peter; Liu, Mei. Patent Number 6,191,283, issue date 2/20/2001. |
Patent 2000 | 4. Method of preparation of Beta-amino acids. Sibi, Mukund P.; Shay, John Joseph; Jasperse, Craig Peter; Liu, Mei. U.S. (2000), 11 pp. Patent Number 6,0809,857, issue date 6/27/2000 |