Each of the fractions (in the examples on the previous page) is called a proper fraction since the fraction represents a part of a single whole object. A proper fraction is a fraction in which the numerator is less than the denominator. For example, is a proper fraction because 12 < 17.
Sometimes we need to write fractions that have more than one whole object.
For example,
each rectangle is a whole divided into four equal parts and the total shaded portions may be written as . Since the number of equal parts is more than one whole, we call the fraction an improper fraction. An improper fraction is a fraction in which the numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator. For example,
is an improper fraction because 18 > 5.
Extending the above idea of improper fractions to just whole numbers, we may write every whole number as an improper fraction with a denominator of 1. For example, if each rectangle is a whole consisting of 1 part,
the 3 whole rectangles may be written as the improper fraction . All whole numbers can be written in fractional notation.
We may write the fractional notation for 1 many different ways as improper fractions.
has a shaded portion of 1 part and may be written in fraction form as
has 4 equal shaded parts and may be written in fraction form as
There are infinitely many fractional notations for 1. If we divide an object into n parts and take n of the parts, we obtain all of the object or the whole.
Similarly, there are infinitely many fractional notations for 0.
has no shaded portions and may be written in fraction form as
has no shaded parts and may be written in fraction form as
If we divide an object into n parts and take none of them, we get 0.
Note that by definition the denominator of a fraction is never zero, that is, is not defined for any whole number n. The reason is that the denominator for common fractions represents the number of equal parts a whole object is divided into and this must be at least one. A whole object cannot be divided into zero parts.
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