Table of Contents

Scientific Notation


Motivation for Exponent Rules


Multiplication of Value with Same Base


Division of Values with the Same Base


An Exponent of Zero


Expression Raised to a Power


Powers of Products


Summary of Laws of Exponents


Multiplication with Scientific Notation


Addition with Scientific Notation









Summary of Laws of Exponents

  1. bm · bn = b (m + n)  
  2. bm ÷ bn = b(mn) where m ≥ n and b ≠ 0.
    (In Session 41, we will extend this property to values with m < n.)
  3. a0 = 1, when a ≠ 0
  4. (bm)n = bmn
  5. (ab)n = anbn    

We are now able to answer the astronomer's problem given on page 2 of this session.

An astronomer studying a region of space needs to determine the volume of a cubic region whose edges measure 3 × 108 miles long. Find the volume of that region of space.

The cubic region of space has a volume of 2.7 × 1025 cubic miles.

Self-Check Problem

Use the Laws of Exponents to simplify the expression (2a6b)3(3a2b3)2.


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