Contemporary Sociological Theory (SC407) Student Papers

Some of the following papers are the works of the first cohort of Contemporary Sociological Theory (SC407) students here at Minnesota State University Moorhead in the Spring Semester 2007.  Many have since gone on to pursue graduate degrees in sociology at the M.A. and Ph.D. levels. I was truly blessed to have a group of students who possess unexampled sagacity in intellect -and perspicuity in writing skills-  in the first class on late-modern social theory taught in the Tri-College community at the undergraduate level.  Because of this, I am delighted to share some of  their critical meditations with you!

-Dr. Lee Garth Vigilant (January 6, 2008)

Analytic Reaction Papers

Get Laid, Get Paid, Get High, Survive  (by Simone LeClaire (Spring 2012)


Intellectual Biography of Donald Black: The Sociology of Deviance and His Deviant Quest to Purify Sociology (By George Peterson / Spring 2010)


The Enduring Power of Romance Culture as a Mechanism of Social Organization (By George Peterson 2010)


Opposing Realities and the Orientation Towards Change: An Analytic Reaction to Zygmunt Bauman's Liquid Modernity (by Jessica Hausauer)


A Critical Analysis of Neil Gross's “The Detraditionalization of Intimacy Reconsidered” (by Christina Kalinowski)


Behavioral Control: Social Myth or Reality (by Joshua Burbank)


A Radical Rebuke: Critique of Anthony Giddens' Radical Modernity Theory (by Joshua Burbank)


Why the World Needs Violence: A Critical Assessment of King's Theory of Non-Violence (by Kristen Liliboe)


An Update on Robert K. Merton (by David Bard)

Intellectual Biographies

Patricia Hill Collins: An Intellectual Biography (by Jessica Hausauer)

An Intellectual Biography of Erich Fromm (by Joshua Burbank)