Prof. Justin James Mathematics Department Minnesota State University Moorhead Moorhead MN 56563 Office Phone: (218) 477-4011 Math 323: Multivariable and Vector Calculus - Section 01 Handouts Polar Graph Paper: Large, Medium, Small Reflection Paper 1 [Due: Friday, Jan. 14th] Polar Coordinates and Polar Graphing Handout Introduction to Vectors Handout Exam 1 Addendum [Due: 4:00pm on Wednesday, Feb 2nd] Three Dimensional Graphing Handout Graphing Quadric Surfaces Handout Increments and Differentials Handout Reflection Paper 2 [Due: Friday, March 11th] Polar Double Integration Example Mass, Center of Mass, and Moments Handout Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates Handout Green's Theorem Examples Handout Reflection Paper 3 [Due: Monday, May 2nd] Take Home Exam 5 [Due: Wednesday, May 4th - 4:00pm] Back to Math 323: Calculus III - Mainpage College of Social & Natural Sciences Homepage